So much area to fish and explore with lots of fish. My favorite area of the state! My son and I try to take a couple trips a year. We are spinner/bait fisherman but have been experimenting some with the fly rod. We usually try and hit opening weekend for trout, but it is a gong show at least...
We must have had a hot doe in the area and my son I had a great opening morning. He had the safety off on three nice bucks by 730am, passed on one and 2 he was not able to get a shot at for various reasons. This one came through at 815 following a doe and he put a good shot on it. Hope everyone...
If the public ground during pheasant, duck and bow season is any indication, tomorrow could be crazy! I counted 48 vehicles opening morning of pheasant season on one large block of public near our land.
3am wake-up here since we are not staying in a group setting this year and driving instead to our land from home. Not even taking my gun since I will be sitting with my son, looking forward to it!
Thanks for the kind words, it is a trip we will definitely not forget. Probably won't be able to match it, but we will try!
@EastTNHunter my son did have a couple points and we arrived the evening of the 2nd day of season. It definitely was not easy pickings, we were very fortunate.
After we got the meat dealt with that night we were talking about the rest of our week and options. My son had one type 7 tag left. I told him we could stick around and try and fill that or do something else since we were in the West already. We talked through a few options and the best one we...
We decided to take the quickest route to town which would put us on the paved road about closing time. This would allow us to glass some public spots for deer on the way. We came upon a hill that would allow us to glass public on both sides of the road. We quickly spotted a group of 8 mule deer...
We checked out a few spots for my doe tag and eventually found a doe feeding, we started out the stalk trying to come up from below her but quickly realized that was not going to work and backtracked and came from above. This worked much better and after some belly crawling we were able to get...
We made a plan to be on a glassing knob the next morning on the backside of some public where I felt we would see some deer and hoped that some would filter to bed in the public hills. Part of that plan was right as we saw deer but not much came onto the public. We did make a stalk on a nice...
We were able get around the private and knelt down in a sage flat to watch the buck and try and make a plan. We watched him for about ten minutes, he was about a half mile away at this point. We knew he was not going to come to us as he was coming our way but angling left quite a bit. We dropped...
Finally on 10/02 we made the drive to Wyoming. We arrived in our unit with about two hours of light to spare so we drove around some of the main public areas and did some glassing from a few high points. We did not see much except some for one group of Antelope on a 160 acre piece of public so...
In the Summer of 2017 my family took a road trip to the South Dakota Badlands and Black Hills. On that trip, we saw our first Pronghorn and my son who was 10 then and I decided someday we wanted to hunt them.
When we returned from that trip, I googled Antelope hunting and quickly found this...