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  1. Hydrophilic

    American prairie. What's the issue?

    Thanks to the Nature Conservancy, the largest intact PNW bunchgrass prairie will stay intact. The number of wildflowers there is staggering, definitely a reprieve from seeing fields of Tansy and wild carrot...
  2. Hydrophilic

    American prairie. What's the issue?

    An age old question. There are those who thought amendments 13,14,15,19,24 were too radical, and the ERA still hasn't been ratified. It makes me wonder if we were great by default, or are becoming great through progress...
  3. Hydrophilic

    Google Earth Timelapse

    Search for area of interest to compare satellite imagery from 1984 to 2020 Development example: Phoenix, AZ 1984 2020
  4. Hydrophilic

    West coast salmon recovery

    Well said and yes it is. I was out fishing yesterday and sat down to watch this guy for 10 minutes. Pretty crazy what they go through just to return to their home river for a chance to spawn. The stories this fish could tell…
  5. Hydrophilic

    Missed Opportunities: Hunters and Environmentalists

    You bring up some good points and I think it ties into the original topic of the thread via the Environmental justice movement. It's hard to get into hunting and fishing if you don't have exposure, as many of us have had through family and...
  6. Hydrophilic

    Action needed- support feral horse removal.

    Please manage public lands and non-native species for the benefit of native wildlife* *Except Brown Trout and Pheasants
  7. Hydrophilic

    West coast salmon recovery

    I like what Neffa mentioned about changing the way we fish for salmon. Here a few random thoughts I have, which are my opinions not meant to agitate those with opposing views. Maximum sustained yield is a poor commercial harvest strategy which really isn’t doing anything for salmon...
  8. Hydrophilic

    West coast salmon recovery

    It's been heating up dramatically since March '20! SE Alaska has been "low holing" PNW salmon for decades. Hard to rebuild runs when you don't know how much of the run is being harvested. WFC filed suit against NOAA, Dept of Commerce, etc and it's picked up traction. U.S. Magistrate Judge...
  9. Hydrophilic


    Valid point. There are many studies on this issue going back multiple decades, it’s just a matter of time before the spotlight shines on it. Prime example is condor reintroduction efforts...
  10. Hydrophilic

    Biden Administration to negotiate with animal rights activists over public land hunting Oregon has historically cut trees right up to the river on state lands which flies in the face of federal recovery standards. Conservationists have been pleading the state to help for decades, sometimes...
  11. Hydrophilic

    Biden Administration to negotiate with animal rights activists over public land hunting

    I’m not a member but I’ve worked with them and met some nice folks there who are not anti hunting or anti fishing. Here is a project I’ve helped them out with that recreational angler groups won’t touch because they think good habitat are salmon hatcheries. The state of Oregon has done a...
  12. Hydrophilic

    Missed Opportunities: Hunters and Environmentalists

    Good point. I think non-hunting environmentalists as a whole tend to rally against a dominant human relationship over the natural world, and this can naturally predispose them to being against hunting, something they perceive as dominating nature. Which is why they need more exposure to ethical...
  13. Hydrophilic

    Missed Opportunities: Hunters and Environmentalists

    Hunters can, at times, find themselves in an awkward position. They benefit greatly from a public land system which places the 'common good' over private exploitation and maximum profits. Hunters also benefit from 'The Public Trust doctrine' which, again, places the 'common good' and 'sustained...
  14. Hydrophilic

    This just in...Feds/wolves/courts

    That really depends on who you ask and what your perspective is. As a conservationist who hunts I’m thankful for the ESA and to have wolves back in Oregon. I’m thankful it provides potential to weave California condors back into my life. I’m thankful for the rare plants it preserves, some are...
  15. Hydrophilic

    14 Alaska Fisheries Declared Disasters

    True. Salmon are a complicated migratory species and migratory species in general typically have more complex habitat needs…which means more ways to impact them. The root of the problems typically circle back around to money. Why is the habitat being destroyed in the first place? Why do we...
  16. Hydrophilic

    14 Alaska Fisheries Declared Disasters

    I spend a lot of time following and participating in salmon conservation here in the PNW. It gets real complicated but the problems are actually pretty simple. $$$ That’s just the commercial harvest side. The rec side is full of business interests. Habitat is compromised by extraction...
  17. Hydrophilic

    Road hunters

    Bummer to hear that, I see it fairly regularly in Oregon. IMO, overall yes, but there are still some good hunters out there.
  18. Hydrophilic

    Sage Grouse decline and the ESA

    Good BHA podcast on sage brush restoration / preservation
  19. Hydrophilic

    Best Blow Ever

    I made sure to clear my browsing history after reading the thread
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