Gonna jump start this thread since most Northern Rocky Deer and elk seasons are over. I saw a few pics of wolves earlier, Congrats on them. Anyone else getting some or having encounters?
Welcome to the forum. I went to college in Chestertown! Hard to beat a fall day chasing stripers on the bay! Lots of good info on here, the more you share the more other guys are willing to give. Just don't give away to many secrets about the eastern shore;) One of these days I'll make my way...
El Unit, just keep after it. One day you'll get lucky. I got lucky this year and had 3 within bow range this year. One was well within bow range....10 yards. She didnt know I was there til I sat up and made sure she knew. Sorry the pics are crooked....cant figured out some of them.
Couldn't quite get a few of them turned. Still trying to figure out posting pictures on here. The 1st and 3rd picture is the same cat. While we were pulling the dogs off the tree FWP flew over with a chopper and started shooting wolves less than 200 yards from us... needless to say it was a...
Wondering if any MT, WY, or ID guys have been getting out chasing cats with some of this new snow. I know Montana opened Dec 1. Would love to see some pictures. Havent been out this year but if ive got time later I'll post a few I was on last year.
Houndstongue is all over the area I hunted this year. Somehow my hunting buddies didn't get any on them and I'd come out covered in it. I've been told if you split it in half with your fingernails they'll die. I've also been told the seeds can survive 100 years in the ground. Scary thought!