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  1. S

    Odocoileus hemionus columbianus

    Great job! Thanks for the information as well.
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    What's on the smoker today?

    4 Wigeon. I hadn't done ducks on the smoker in a while and they turned out good. Could have taken them off six or seven minutes earlier but they were still juicy.
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    Attn: Waterfowl fanatics!

    They look good. I'll have to give one a try.
  4. S

    Attn: Waterfowl fanatics!

    That looks good. What brand is it?
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    sleep aids

    I've listened to most of this book on Audio and it's pretty informative. A lot of information about what does and doesn't actually help with a good night sleep. Some things may help you sleep more but you actually get less quality sleep resulting in a net loss. I'm not a great sleeper in...
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    Lab traits

    Sounds good. I've had good luck with the book "Waterdog" on my last two and have already started with that work. I think were I need the the most help is getting the family involved so the dog doesn't only listen to me. Maybe this will help. I think it paid $4.50 for it so can't go wrong.
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    2021 California Bear

    Good luck. It looks like it's going to be cooler up there this weekend.
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    2021 California Bear

    Thanks. I hadn't seen that. Stanislaus won't be far behind I would imagine.
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    2021 California Bear

    It looked like El Dorado and Stanislaus are still open, at least for now. We have a cabin in Dorrington so if they do like last year and shut down camping I can still go poke around. Who knows.
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    2021 California Bear

    Wow. What are the chances they actually lift them on September 6th? I'm not sure if I still can but I think I'm going to trade my B tag for D3-5 this afternoon.
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    Lab traits

    Thanks. Just ordered it to help with our pup. I've done good in the past training but It's different with a wife and kids in the house instead of a single guy. Hopefully this will help.
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    Lab traits

    I'm on my 4th as an adult as well as growing up with them in the house. Mine have not been overly hyper. As mentioned by jejack26 I've notice friends dogs that are from high level field trial lines seemed to be more hyper and not as good around the family but that could also be how they work...
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    Hunt Departure Reservations

    I had a tough time when my kids where little. They are now 8 and 11 and it's not nearly as bad. Ten days is the longest I'm gone and it's usually more like 7 or 8. Similar to @Dsnow9 I get more grief anymore for coming home empty handed that coming home too late. I was fortunate the 8 years...
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    Switching Dog Breeds

    I wouldn't mind trying another breed but it may not happen. I'm on 30 years of labs with 27 being with my last two chocolates. Just getting started with the third chocolate, an 11 week old, now.
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    October Waterfowl

    It runs to the end of January so it's really not bad. We don't seem to get any kind of weather until December anymore so any earlier than it is wouldn't help much. It's dead in a lot of places during November as it is once the local birds get educated. Not saying CA isn't evil in other ways.
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    2021 Olympics

    That is a very impressive young lady right there. Talking about a bright future.
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    No Sidearm With Bow for Deer in CA

    I wonder what the interpretation would be if you have both a deer and bear tag. I guess because you're deer hunting you technically can't have it.
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    Another Biden Nominee

    Yikes. I try not to watch clips of him talking...I wish I would have stuck to it.
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    Start a business to hunt more?

    I never had to leave a trip but I had to scramble to make it by opening day on a couple and definitely didn't even attempt to fit in additional trips some years.
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    Start a business to hunt more?

    I think this is critical if you want to achieve your goal of having more time to hunt. I've been on my own for 24 years and have a lot of friends that own businesses as well and the ones that have trained and trusted good employees have way more freedom to do what they want along with actually...

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