Just finished up another Missouri bobcat. He's actually a good looking cat for this area.
He had been in a grain sack in a deep freezer for 2½ years. His face was freezer burnt real bad and I wasn't sure he was salvageable. Those freezerburnt ears are hard to turn!
Thanks...He got a blue in the iowa competition this year. Different judges see things differently. The ribbons and awards are fun but the judges critiques are the real reason to attend these shows.
Had a good show in Missouri this year...it never disappoints. Several world champions and world pieces there....its amazing the talent some taxidermists have!
I'll attach some pics of my 4 mounts I took. Hope you all fill up your taxidermist's shop with trophies this fall!
This ^^^ I had this exact issue with a case of 300wm ammo from hornady. I ended up calling them and gave them the lot numbers. They had to switch to a different blend of powder at some point. The new lot shot 13 inches high at 400 yards and didn't group at all while the ammo before the switch...
Finished my Nephew's deer up just in time for his birthday. Not the prettiest cape, but who is looking at that anyway 😜.?
This is his first buck btw. 10 years old, crossbow, 171 and change net B&C. Awesome buck that is back home in Kansas now.
Took the tom the boys and I caught to the Iowa Taxidermy show last weekend. Had a great time, learned a lot, and was able to come home with 2 professional division blue ribbons(got 1 one on my deer mount too.)
It takes a lot of time, effort, and money to go to these shows to compete and learn...
Just finished up my 1st trapped bobcat and my first bobcat mount. Caught a bigger tom after this female I plan on mounting for a competition piece.
These cats are kinda fun!
I was just in the Wall area archery hunting for a week. I had some very general questions for anyone with experience rifle hunting the area.
Been through Wall probably a dozen times but this was my first time stopping/ staying in the area. Super nice people for sure. My buddies and I had good...
Got my WY muley from last October finished up this afternoon. First mule deer mount for me. Covered the back with black felt after the pics and he's on the wall.
He had a pretty October 2nd cape on him.