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  1. B

    Recurve Shooting

    I see this OP is 20 years old, with no activity in that period of time, sure would be great to see a recurrence of that ! Have started with a longbow as a kid in the early ‘50’s, then into a recurve and years of club shoots and tournaments until my service in ‘58-‘62. Got side tracked with a...
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    Biden vs Gun Owners

    :-) ! No worries
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    Biden vs Gun Owners

    “Good luck with that approach to persuading others”. Persuading others to do what ? My response was simply to Pmacc’s posting that he did not see the sense of restricting law abiding gun owners from owning legal firearms to stop crime. But you omitted that part and only entered my answer...
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    Biden vs Gun Owners

    I can agree with you VikingsGuy on your ‘2A and public lands are very much independent issues’ when stated in that context. However, when the word hunting is added to public lands (public hunting lands) that ties the 2A directly into the issue.
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    Biden vs Gun Owners

    “It makes no sense to me to restrict legal gun ownership from law abiding citizens to stop crime”. That’s probably because you are looking at the situation from a point of reality and not being motivated only by emotion and false thinking. Those who are of the thought that outlawing firearms...
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    Biden vs Gun Owners

    I do see your point, and in fact part of my post was deleted as can be seen on page seven, but still remains in the above repeated post which I can not explain. I feel my response was less objectionable than what I responded to, but as I said, you do have point ! However, there is quite a...
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    Biden vs Gun Owners

    You should not need to be reminded that you are on a hunting and firearms related forum, where you are very likely to be subjected to strong opinions concerning the continuance of both issues ! Just what do you expect to hear here, that we who share these opinions should temper our remarks in...
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    Biden vs Gun Owners

    I was of the impression this topic concerned biden versus gun owners, and I limited my response to that. If you want to open a can of worms involving situations that have flipped, that is a whole different kettle of fish !
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    Biden vs Gun Owners

    Since the 1st A has been diluted to a weak ‘squeak’, through political correctness, and Culture Cancelling, there is not a more important amendment at this time than the 2nd to our Constitutional rights to firearms ownership, and you can spin that anyway you want. If you feel there are other...
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    Gun Regulation Survey

    #18–No #26–No All others agreed with original question answers
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    Biden vs Gun Owners

    All hunters or gun owners who voted this president in, can share the responsibility of whatever befalls the gun grab that is potentially in our near future. It was known beforehand what this guys agenda was, so there are no excuses !! If this sounds too political, so be it, everything we do is...
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    Oregon Elk Poacher Caught in Crater Lake NP

    “If a person keeps their mouth shut and doesn’t post......” ! But that seems to be the big gotcha in this issue. People do this for the purpose of ego, and it is that ego that starts and ends with them hanging themselves. So, it is good in the respect that that attention is their own downfall !
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    Oregon Elk Poacher Caught in Crater Lake NP

    Well, I will admit, the penalty for being a ‘loser’ in this case, did have some teeth in it. A slight improvement over a slap on the wrist. Is it still not severe enough to deter others ? As we all know, laws do not stop all poaching, but the use of non-punitive results will surely only...
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    For those thinking to move to Montana aka “The Nuclear Sponge”

    Radiation....? Don’t you suppose china knows we have strict laws against air pollution ?
  15. B

    For those thinking to move to Montana aka “The Nuclear Sponge”

    It is of no consequence where any of us live, once it starts it will be total anyway ! Besides, who would really want to live in the aftermath when all reasons for living are gone ?
  16. B

    2020 Deer Season Family Affair

    Congrats Redwood ! Looking forward to the fine mounting job you will ‘bliss’ that fine buck with !! I can imagine you might have some help over your shoulder on your son’s deer, and maybe a suggestion or two from your wife on hers too ! I know you will do them proud !
  17. B

    Formal opposition to CO wolf reintroduction ramping up. Are you in?

    As long as wolves appear to be ‘relocating’ themselves without help, why does it seem to some that the process needs to be pushed on a time limit basis ? Allow the process to happen on its own, I would imagine wolves are able to look after themselves if given the needed protection to do so. My...
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    I am new too, from SE Michigan. It is really not yet my ‘home’ here, but I think the good bunch of guys here will allow me to say ‘welcome’ !
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    Population Growth and Hunting in Rocky Mountain States

    Am sorry VikingsGuy that this went right over my head, which was evidently off on another tangent of thought......
  20. B

    Population Growth and Hunting in Rocky Mountain States

    “But on the bright side, the next generation seems to have much lower interest in hunting, so we have that going for us, which is nice”. To that I totally disagree ! An activity that has less interest in it by the populace, is a dying venture. If there are not enough people to support the...