This info would be on each week's leftover list (whether they were reissue tags or surplus tags would be unknown as they'll be combined)
There's no end-all report, just the weekly list, with the INITIAL leftover list being the most informative
This leak did not necessarily occur through HuntTalk -- just that the saved password you have in Apple for HT was found in a leak on another site.
Check this to see which websites your email had breaches on --
Change any account which uses that email and password...
Ive taken airport rental pickups hunting (crap tires & 2wd) near where you are headed twice. They did alright.
For ammo, subscribe to hundreds of in stock notifications and jump when you find some. Or find a local gun forum and buy/barter what you’re looking for!
I'm by no means confident I read this correctly... it's just one interpretation!
It would seem to be a decent hybrid approach that hopefully more people are happy with.
That's my understanding but very possible I'm reading too much into it...
The preview list shows what's coming and then during the 2 hour block the tags are posted on the "leftover list"? I think?
A lot of the griping in this thread earlier was around that at 11AM all the license vendors would...
Bringing this thread back....
"Starting at 11AM licenses will be added to Leftover List. No new hunt codes will be added to list after 1PM"
So... do we still think all codes will be posted at 11AM sharp or could this be a rolling process where codes are randomly posted 11-1 in a hybrid...
Coulda had 0-2pts and draw in the random which was about 10% success this year. I like Wyoming's system since it favors point holders but anyone still has a chance to draw
I got burned by this dirtbag too. Someone on Rokslide got burned for a rifle and had a crazy thread about this guy & getting the police involved:
Maybe. But the seller (scammer) would have to tell PP he sold something against their policy and is now also being accused of being a scammer. I would think these dirtbags would instead just disappear
I use PP and pay through it with my credit card for two layers of protection. Not foolproof &...
Yes, PP is anti-2A. So in your item description do not put anything related to things that go bang. You purchased "sporting goods", which should be covered...
I've been through this and hate these dirtbags.
Here's my advice for EVERYONE:
WTB posts are a magnet for these dirtbags - be VERY careful when posting "Looking for X"
New members are a redflag. Even members who've been around a few months it's important to look at their posts and feedback...