Curious to how various people would interpret this. What do you guys do when BLM has public access but is fenced off and made to look like private property? Without OnX or similar info, it would look like the ranch property starts at the BLM, it has signs and fencing. For the people that say ...
Whitetail strategies are difficult to un-learn. In my mind I'm looking for habitat, pinch points, edges and food. The game should automatically appear right? Not so much, elk are way too mobile.
Then you are bad at statistical analysis.
Here is a riddle that I can not answer directly because of the fembots that exist online. Who is 6% of the population and commits 50% of the homicides? There is a gender and race component to the answer. If you truly cared about the problem you would...
"let people who have fewer teeth than the front row of a bluegrass concert & want to storm a state capitol in their GI JOE cosplay outfits define our collective position on gun violence, support of civilian firearms ownership or any other issue. "
"We're all in this together, and if we don't...
I hear you but I 'm too jaded and too principled. For one, I could never live with myself if I voted for an R or D.
I vote straight I or L which never goes anywhere. L tried to go somewhere and the R's showed up.
Secondly even if a moderate gains traction, the machine will buy them out last...
I've taken the shotgun approach so far. Easy to draw tags in 3 different units. What ever you do, don't listen to my elk advice. I've only been out here 3 years and I'm basically hiking with my gun when I tell people I'm elk hunting.
A new guy at work, was the cybersecurity director for the...
Sorry man, I don't play the lesser of 2 evils game. Trump's primary policy influencer is Israel which makes it extra funny every time someone one the left calls him a Nazi. Opposite land.
I'll continue to write in Ron Paul as a protest vote in the General. Or Homer Simpson.
Way to put words in my mouth. "a show of force" has nothing to do with violence against countrymen. A show of force is meant to protect the right that protects you. Head on over to, educate yourself a bit on crime stats and let me know where the violence against countrymen really comes...
Gun sales have been skyrocketing for 20 years and continue to do so. These "people" only exist in vocal bubbles. Their leaders are bought and sold, a commodity.
I love a show of force against unconstitutional gun laws as they are committing crimes with their attempts to legislate away the 2a...
My little brother is in Prairie Grove right now. Feel free to make friends and drag him out west more often. I'm currently trying to do one hunt a year with him out in CO.