Not to detract from these phenomenal mule deer facts and prose but
WLH, probably on Alton CWMU over a pile of apples and the guy only has 1 arrow left and even it has blood on it but there are no holes in the deer?
That makes sense and thanks for the info.
Received word that the offer is on its way.
The new step 1 will be greater than 3 steps above my current step so will just accept offer.
If offered a new position at a higher grade would you negotiate for additional steps and if so how many?
Rating exceeds expectation and see that continuing in new position if offered.
Interview is later today.
The advice received by the OP is disappointing.
He clearly has an opportunity, nay an obligation to purchase another rifle.
Seize the moment and start shopping!
I think drones have a place in these efforts and will likely become more prevalent but flight ranges and times currently limit effectiveness. To survey a basin 10 miles deep you'll need to hike the drone most of the way there.
Now if some of the military ones could be used...
Did the shoulders off a young mule deer my oldest killed.
One bbq. One Mexican.
Dry rub overnight in fridge.
Couple hours low temp direct on grill
Couple hours in pans with liquids.
Will do again when able to get something out with bones in.
Dog enjoyed the scapulas
Good luck!
If you are packing in for an overnight and have struggled with quality sleep in the past what is your setup?
There's like a million nights of experience on the forum. Maybe we could help?
Do elk respond similarly to deer in a freeze or heavy frost changing their dietary preferences?
Deer will stop using certain forbs after the first heavy frost but do elk do the same? I assume grass is leave susceptible to freezing affects?
Basically will elk move down elevation if the grass...
Weird how a rule that would be detrimental to the way a board member operates gets way watered down...
Great thread and hope beaver hunter gets a giant
I burn mostly lodgepole as thats the only choice.
Haven't had any issues but do scrub the pipe and stove body once a year or so.
You may have had quite a few hours on it if you were burning all night. That doesn't sound fun at all. If you let it burn out does the cold wake you?
Bucks get harvested by road hunters on every gen season unit. You don't have to limit yourself to antlerless tags. -which are hard to draw for deer.
I'm in same boat as you with the places I find success not being suitable for youth. My oldest finally has his own general deer and elk tags this...