Back to the subject at hand.
Does anyone think that the founders of the NAM envisioned a day where people thought it was their right to trophy hunt in many different states?
I used the trophy verbiage on purpose, because that's what NR in the vast majority of cases when one considers the costs...
I'd soon shoot a nice cow elk vs a bull.
I wont shoot a doe mule deer, because IMO they arent doing great in any area, but a doe whitetail is fine.
I did let my kids shoot doe muleys this season, because it was their first season hunting.
That's a choice rather than an economic issue.
And your last sentence is 100% spot on. Sadly that winter range is being eaten up by places like Bozeman.
I never said anything about bids other than that I was against auctions. And I never said anything about residents other than tags need to increase, which they do in the case of MT as they are stupid cheap. But even the increases I mentioned hardly price the average resident out of the market...
But the fact the government is funding most of the things you mention and that's not going to ever stop. Then therenisnthenproblem of wage inflation. It doesnt end like you suggest it does.
A person's value as an employee is dictated by their skills. Should a burger flipper make as much as a trained and educated professional such as yourself?