As the others have said, its pretty rugged country. Certainly wouldn't say its one you can get around easily with out a horse. Probably not the best unit for your dad.
My 2 cents would be apply for “swing for the fence units” then just hunt general units when you can draw it. In all honestly I’ve seen better bulls in some general units than in some of the limited entry I’ve been in over the last few years.
I listened to the whole thing. The two big dudes don’t really seem to get it.
The main elk shape guy seems to actually be pondering the industry and how everyone is acting. At one point he mentions influencers should post less grip and grins and more of them doing conservation work. Hard to...
Personally I like having the hunt quietly podcast and instagram out there in the world. It’s a small push back against the people in the “hunting industry” for the wrong reasons. When he sees people acting like d bags he’ll call them out. I don’t think that’s a bad thing to have out there. At...
I really hope Matt Rinella continues his podcast and activism. It's unrealistic to think he'll ever make any of these Instagram hunters quit. He may however, at the least may cause many hunters out there to think about posting untasteful photos and their behavior online. In the mean time I...
Cool to see you on here. Please save the defense for court. Don't need to give the prosecution any more ammo. As information comes out, if you did everything right then I'm sure you will have the backing of many many organizations as well individual's dollars.
Interesting timing for this to be brought to light by the AG. Right as the general boom stick season is about to start. Cant help but wonder if they are trying to discourage people