Add California to the list. And didn't they go after bear hunting somewhere on the east coast. Your statement is the classic example of the "not in my back yard" mentality. If you like the fact that the antis and poor management don't effect you I would suggest you step up and help the people...
Sure they would. People make hour and a half long productions that are completely made up. It would cost them more but make no mistake they are that committed.
I believe they would. Predator hunting is a pretty small percentage of the hunting out there. These guys have a strong agenda and a lot of money. Not to mention all of there propaganda is emotionally based. The only real fuel they need is Sarah McLachlan and a sad song to push what they are...
Colorado is under a pretty strong attack from the antis at the moment and Washington's hunting is a joke due to politics as well. Most places have bigger problems that bickering between hunters.
For those interested. A letter from PLWA to the FWP regarding the lack of clarity in access issues and guidance to those asking for clarification.