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  1. Irrelevant

    Extreme hunting pressure in region 7.

    That's why the discussion really just needs to be about fewer tags and/or regional restrictions. No one from WA is passing up a buck. So you can't ever hope that people will voluntarily hold back to allow a decent buck to become a good buck, or a good buck to become a great buck.
  2. Irrelevant

    MT Poll: (R) Gianforte, (D) Busse, or (L) Leib.

    This is what keeps me from attempting it.
  3. Irrelevant

    Montana season structure proposal 2.0

    Apr are also another way to limit overall harvest allowing the agency to continue to issue too many tags... It's a wdfw mainstay.
  4. Irrelevant

    Study: Hunters Die After Consuming CWD-Infected Venison

    Well this ideological CF will have to wait for another time, test came back negative. Tasty WT here we come
  5. Irrelevant

    Gratuitous Bird and Dog Photos

    This jackwagon, points them too damn far out! The only covey we found were caught out in some barren ground away from cover and didn't hold as I was sneaking in for the flush 120 yards downwind
  6. Irrelevant

    Montana season structure proposal 2.0

    Yes, sorry, was thinking of the previous graph showing the large increase in NR licenses, but it's irrelevant (see what I did there?) to what we were actually talking about, which was determining the level of acceptable harvest.
  7. Irrelevant

    Montana season structure proposal 2.0

    If you just want to start then argue for 10 yr median # of bucks (2008-2018), exclude post-covid because no one supports that.
  8. Irrelevant

    Montana season structure proposal 2.0

    Shit, why not, I don't hunt MT! The process is the same, you just have to decide how many total bucks you want to kill.
  9. Irrelevant

    Montana season structure proposal 2.0

    NR License Cap = 4k (total harvest)/2 (1/2 for R's 1/2 for NRs) / 30% (my WAG for success rate).
  10. Irrelevant

    Study: Hunters Die After Consuming CWD-Infected Venison

    Originally published 2 yrs ago. Wonder what more they know now
  11. Irrelevant

    Interarms Mark X trigger adjustment

    GD... That was literally all I needed. Adjustment complete. Flipping it over to see the sighting port was a helluva revelation
  12. Irrelevant

    Interarms Mark X trigger adjustment

    Well shit. And here the confirmation email just hit my inbox
  13. Irrelevant

    Interarms Mark X trigger adjustment

    Nevermind. I'm just going to buy a timney. 2 hrs and I can't figure anything consistent, though @MTLabrador is pretty close to my thinking too
  14. Irrelevant

    Interarms Mark X trigger adjustment

    So I'm trying to pretend I'm handy and adjust the trigger on the above gun. I did this years ago to remove the creep and lighten the pull weight. However I just realized in the last few months that the safety no longer works and probably hasn't since I messed with it. I'm a struggling to...
  15. Irrelevant

    Montana season structure proposal 2.0

    I know half a dozen WA hunters that simply won't go if there's not a Nov season. So there's less pressure. Legitimately, why deer hunt MT over WY and ID if there's no rut hunt?
  16. Irrelevant

    Study: Hunters Die After Consuming CWD-Infected Venison

    Yes, 87.6 % of statistics are made up, but as you pointed out, you know people who have died climbing. No one has ever died because of CWD (that we know of). There are no population-level health indicators that CDJ is occurring more frequently in CWD areas (like there is for large areas of...
  17. Irrelevant

    Study: Hunters Die After Consuming CWD-Infected Venison

    Certain have plenty of those same thoughts.
  18. Irrelevant

    Study: Hunters Die After Consuming CWD-Infected Venison

    Is it a strawman argument? I believe we're talking about risk evaluation, specifically food-borne. Again, I'm not necessarily trying to be a dick, though I'm sure I'm coming across as one, but 3,000 people died last year due to food-borne illness. That's 3,000 more than we know CWD killed...
  19. Irrelevant

    Deer - lets see em

    That's one of "those spots" that people dream about finding.