I got an old camera tripod from the 60s off craigslist. 15 bucks and it only weighs half as much as Randy's Wendy's bag.
I also had to replace my 10+ year old stove, which was a sad day. I felt like Luke replacing R2D2.
I fully expected some of you to tell us about how you roast your beans over the fire, grind them using elk ivories, and brew them in an inflated whitetail stomach!
This is the one I use. I've got a ground venison, bean, and veggie meal dehydrating right now. 130 degrees for probably 8 or 9 hours. It comes with a plastic mesh screen as well as a drip tray that work really well. No parchment paper, no waste.
Great tips, thank you. I'll get 'er tuned up.
I've got the frame of the artist formerly known as Prince, so weight really isn't my issue, ha ha. Although clunky old gear makes for a heavier pack. Maybe I'll slip some of my stuff into my buddies' packs to save weight!