I think you need to just go on a solo hunt that fits your schedule or find someone else to go with. Put in for the WY cow elk hunt and if you draw just do it. Then get together with your buddy and start planning now for a hunt next year so you are both on the same page with points and dates so...
I’m 50 and I’ve needed bifocals or progressives for about 8 years but I kept putting it off. I picked up my first pair of progressives last week. I sit at a desk most days and so far they are good for computer work and close up writing or reading, but they suck for everything else. I haven’t...
The burning coal seams cook the surrounding sedimentary rocks resulting in more resistant reddish rocks like the hills in Campbell County Wy and surrounding area.
I’ve been wearing those as my everyday footwear for the past few years. To me they are more of a shoe. I have wide feet and they fit my feet well. They would be ok for easy hiking on well worn trails. IMO not good for hiking rugged terrain and not good for hunting.
I believe Pennsylvania had something like a review board - I don't know if they still have it.
For the most part, there are really no formal standards or required peer reviews. The only real standard is a live animal. Competitions provide peer reviews, but most taxidermists don't compete.
The bottom line here is the taxidermist doesn’t know how to correctly mount an antelope eye (and other parts of an antelope shoulder mount). If he knew how to do it correctly, it would have been mounted right the first time and you wouldn’t have had to tell him it wasn’t right.
Antelope eyes...