Totally agree, but... In one of the most ethnically diverse countries in the world, along with it being a county that made massive sacrifices to defeat the National Socialist Party.... why choose to be a Nazi? Literally everyone will hate you!
Everywhere I go, I kick over all the stupid pointless rock cairns people make for Instagram. This is my final boss.
Sadly, the sheer ego of people to disrupt a natural setting no longer astounds me. Embarrassing for whoever did it.
I watched this bozo eat buckthorn berries for a few minutes until he caught my wind. I put a video of it on social media for the sole purpose of annoying my deer hunter friends.
It doesn’t matter what I’m hunting, if I see a coyote, it becomes a coyote watching.
I wish I still had some of my olds pics, but mine pulled a carp out of a creek once and would try to retrieve hooked fish. He was a pain most of the time if I’m being honest, but it was good exercise for him.
People are so stupid. What a wildly immoral thing to do, to potentially rob future generations of living in a world without an animal for the 15 second rush of mindlessly wasting an endangered species.
It’s my favorite hunt of the season. Less other hunters out, lots of other wildlife to watch that I normally don’t get to later in the fall, and teal are stupid.
idk why but it seems like every woods poop is so bad. Sometimes it’s like there’s a marker in my butt, like how can I wipe so many times and it’s not fully clean. It doesn’t make sense, like where does it keep coming from?
The worst is after like 4-5 days in the woods without a shower, then you finally get take one and immediately have to take a giant shit immediately the next morning, in the woods. So basically I get to enjoy 8 hours with a clean ass and now it’s gonna be another 4-5 days until my next shower.