‘Finding bigfoot’ was my son’s favorite show as a youngster. He’s a senior at UW in the Wyoming Wildlife Fellowship majoring in Wildlife Biology and Management. Im going to have to create a BF themed graduation present…
Thanks everyone, I will be happy to see him on the wall for the rest of my days. Here are some pix of other bulls that I ran across minus a few. The bull in the thick stuff came very close to being my bull during the last days of archery season. He was bedded right off the highway with a cow...
Moved this to my thread, I accidentally posted it on Pam’s from 2021.
Well, after 9 days looking at a couple dozen moose (bulls and cows) I took my once in my lifetime Wyoming Shiras bull on Oct 4. He was in elk country, on the western edge of Jelm Mountain. I became known as the ‘guy with the...