What this boils down to is a hunter who didn’t draw and can’t afford the next option… eplus tag. Just another liberal way of them wanting to end a program that benefits the elk hunter in NM.
I think the NM eplus is a great opportunity to hunt elk that are so hard to draw a tag for. So many private acres are turned into open elk hunting land for hunters with tags. I have drawn some elk tags in NM and I’ve bought some landowner tags. I hope the sale of tags helps whoever sells them...
Go home and take two Tylenol put some CBD oil on it and Waite . In a couple days if still numb you should be good just going to have a numb toe. You won’t feel any pain because it’s numb👍
If you can’t find any other answers on the internet maybe as a last resort call a professional foot doctor.
My wife had an accident up in a wilderness in 2016… no cell service, no inreaach. After a big hike up a mountain to find a signal she got a helicopter ride to the Trauma Center and a month in the hospital. Now I never go without my inreach with me! I didn’t own one in 2016
New Mexico is now so full of uneducated, unqualified for much of anything, illegal 3rd world people, homeless and thugs that would cut your throat in a second to get your wallet….. just like politicians like Grisham want. 3/4 of the people won’t say a word about this as long as she puts a little...
Hunting on horseback to me is the only way to go if you know how to ride. We will leave camp early and ride until we hear some bugles then tie them up and start hunting.
A good mountain horse will stand tied to a tree for hours. If we kill an elk we pack out on the horses and just lead them or...
Should have waited for a 500i….. sweetest dang saw I’ve ever run without it being a hot rod saw. But take care of that new saw and it will do the for years !
I went up to a neighbors last month and his power pole was laying across his road. Wind broke the pole….live wire. A week later another neighbors big hay barn 40x80 was wadded up like tin foil. People around here are finding out asphalt shingles don’t work in this wind and if a metal roof has a...
If wind was snow we would be buried this year !! I didn’t know the wind could blow this hard this long. It started blowing around November and hasn’t stopped.
That must be those China saws. That 461 is about to be replaced by a 500i I guess it will never get broke in but it did go through 2 bars. Great saw !!