You did great, in Mississippi that would be called a black crappie. The best eating fish in the world in my opinion, my wife likes to catch a 14 inch crappie and eat a 9 inch crappie. In Louisiana they are called sacalait.
Maybe consider getting a drop camp, this way you should be in elk country where you can spend your time elk hunting as opposed to trying to get to elk country. Also if/when you kill an elk they will pack it out for you. Just a thought, maybe worth what it cost you.
As a deer biologist said in Mississippi ‘just because you have chased women all your life does not make you a gynecologist’. With that being said I think the Mississippi biologist could come help y’all with your mule deer management.
I went on a hunt with rto year before last, I had a hunt planned with rto last year but I didn’t get drawn. I am hoping to hunt with them again this year if they are doing drop camps.
It definitely is not Jackson Mississippi, someone will get shot there tonight. They can’t keep water on for the residents, they can’t keep the garbage picked up. Thugs have blocked the interstate through town so they could drag race, the cops showed up 30 minutes later.
I think the mdwfp folks here do not have a clue how many deer are killed in any county. I don’t think they have a clue how many deer are in any county, so how can they manage the deer herd?