You botch everything,in admirable fashion. Haven't laughed this hard in a long damned while and I eagerly await your next "tidbit".
I typically wear an UnderArmour skull cap.
Be sure and grab hold with both hands and have a few friends in the wings.
If/when you are predisposed to name drop,you'll eek more mileage when the names are RIGHT. Now if you've issue(s) with Dick Davis at McMillan,or Dave at IT&D,I suggest you take same up with them. When doing so,be sure to denote your cluelessness,so they can shovel shit in...
I'm sure you Gooks gotta tell yourself SOMETHING.
Please explain eating with 2 sticks,as opposed to carrying 2 buckets of shit upon 1?
I imagine you are fighting many things,including your handle.
I'm good with a fake chink,feigning a fake chink,because she can't communicate within her race.