Any illegal alien caught committing a crime should be immediately sterilized. That's the risk you run for coming here illegaly.
As for this poor misunderstood young deprived man, he should be let loose on ElkGunners "Own Private Idaho". We can take bets on how long it takes for him to form...
This one should just about piss everyone off---poaching, clear-cutting, and illegal aliens(probably)!
New Mexico Department of Game and Fish
Contact: Dan Williams (505) 476-8004
[email protected]
MARCH 8, 2005...
Well, after reading your post way back in January I decided to apply, especially since I can't get drawn for anything in my own state.
First time I ever put in and I drew the Stallion Range tag on November 19-20!
I am totally stoked!
Still in shock (partly sticker shock!)!
Waiting 8...
How can you compare tire tracks to trash? I just don't understand how you claim to be a defender of your national parks/forests/refuges/monuments/wilderness areas etc. and not be irate at the damage done by illegals. The ATV tracks will take 2 seasons of rain by mother nature to correct and...
The invasion continues...sponsored by the Mexican Government now!
The more I see stuff like this the more I think that Vicente Fox is the reincarnation of General Santa Ana and the 3,000 daily border crossers are his army.
Remember the Alamo?
danr55, you might want to check this place out. We went there a couple of years ago to pack the freezer. It is about 60 miles from San Antonio in the (self-proclaimed) "Hog capital of Texas". The owner's name is Craig Wilson, a great guy, and it looks like they have expanded since we went...
Good find Buzz. It's a year old but good find anyway. Please don't forget about page 2 of this article. You should really concentrate on the section titled "Working Together: Communication & Collaboration"
Not exactly your strong point.
The whole uncensored article
By the way...
Who is the "Coalition to Protect the Rocky Mountain Front"? They sound like another wacko special interst group that burns down homes because they are too close to a forest or destroys cars because they get poor mileage. Judging from their website they are only interested in protecting...
Current (and Future Proposed) Status of ATV use in Arizona
To retrieve legally downed game(other than wilderness or other site specific areas):
Arizona State Trust Lands--LEGAL Page 4
Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest--LEGAL...
Flagstaff has become a pretty sweet college're going to love it. Enjoy your time there and have fun!
I think the archery hunts are any antlered deer however the dec and jan hunts are only in the southern desert units.
danr--nice pics