My elementary aged kids only have reading at home every night, every once in a while they might have a work sheet or two. My middle school kids have about a half hour every night. And my high schooler very seldom has any homework. He busts his butt in class and gets his stuff done in class so he...
I have some PTSD from carrying those in my back pocket. It was just working around the yard and then sitting in my car with them still in my back pocket.
You'll have a good time. It will be tough. I don't know how things are with all the fires the last couple of years. I would seriously consider getting flown in and having your meat flown out. Unless you are planning on using horses. It is a long ways to carry meat on your back, especially...
Hanks reasoning is that the bursting cells from freezing and thawing causes you to lose moisture from the meat, so it was a food quality issue not a food saftey issue.