Thanks to everyone who replied and offered advice. Not surprisingly we didn't get our bull. We didn't see any elk, other than from the road in a field on private land. We expected this. Three days of hiking the steeps and we saw no fresh sign at all; lots of mule deer tracks and pellets, and...
Yeah, thanks for this. Great to hear that you're hunting - trying to get the "still" out of my mind. I totally agree about critter watching. I was out fishing two days ago and watched a stoat chase down and kill a chipmunk, right there on the bank, and I thought, yes, ok, this is in itself...
Thanks for the replies. I've been walking a lot, going across ridges, looking at whatever benches I can find. I'm looking at what the maps tell me is their winter habitat, I get that; mainly I'm just trying to slowly get the lay of the land. That said, the more I read the more humble I get. I'm...
Ha, I'm a ProfJ as well! Thanks for the encouragement about getting to know the local GMUs. I've been spoiled by living within spitting distance of some of the best trout streams in the country. There are elk in my back yard, basically, so I know they're here, but I know that finding them - when...
I'm getting the "glass glass glass" message consistently here. I'm supposed to be getting ready to teach in a few weeks, but instead find myself obsessively reading posts here and pretty much anything else I can. Learning a lot, but also learning just how much I have no clue about. So thanks for...
Wow, thanks for the advice and encouragement (and the awesome photos). I'm beginning to get that what I really should be looking for as summer winds down is places to glass, not necessarily what I think is sign. That's helpful. I'm also realizing that I'm going to have to learn some patience, as...
Thanks for this. Yeah, I'm realizing pretty quickly that hiking is a very different sort of activity. I think I have this idea that since I see a lot of animals when I hike, I must be pretty good at finding them. Ha, not so much. I've totally been willing to get out in the cold before dawn for...
Yeah, times have definitely changed. I went on a little tirade at a party about feed lot cattle and plastic wrapped steaks and antibiotics and all that, and pretty much emptied out the room. Maybe some prairie dog canapés?
That's really helpful. I definitely felt today that I was randomly walking. I expect to do a lot of that, of course, but I'd also at least like to feel hopeful.
Thanks for all the replies. Wow, I was not expecting that! I went out on my second very tentative scouting hike today. Did about 5 miles but didn't really see much sign, other than old bites on aspen up one side of the drainage I walked. On the opposite side it's really thick conifer forest, and...
Let me introduce myself. I'm a total newbie hunter, despite being about to turn 60. I've read 99 pages on this forum so far, literally - out of 536 - and feel like I've learned so much. Thank you all for your wisdom. I'm semi-retired, and a devoted fly fisher. I've been snooping around the edge...
Thank you for the reply. Yes, I was just thinking as I was driving home that I probably put this in the wrong place. Sorry! I'm new, and I can't start a thread until I've replied to 10 posts, but I agree entirely - didn't mean to be THAT guy. And thanks for the corrective on my cliche. I know...
Maybe I should give up.... Just kidding. Went out for my first scouting, hiked just over five miles, 2,000 ft of elevation gain. Didn't expect to do anything but look. Saw some fresh tracks in the dg (I assume they were fresh, since we've been having epic rains), and some scrapes - elk or deer I...