I am still waitin to get a good tape on him, but he is about 16 on the bases, and 37 +/-" long. That should put him a bit above 180, and below 185, depending.
I field judged him 38" long, so missed by a little. I got a bit too excited, as he fit the mental image of what I was looking for, and...
WOW! What a STUD ram! I love the mass! The breaks are going to re-write the record books!
I am becoming a sheep-a-holic, so I totally understand and appreciate this story!
This brief story is for you hunting junkies like me that need to hear some details.
I was fortunate enough to drop the hammer on a great ram on Saturday afternoon, October 23rd. I owe a huge debt of gratitude to those that helped me in this hunt. They were there to help field judge, calm...
I would agree that he looks to be about 175, depending a lot on the base measurements. It is hard to know unless you really know the characteristics of the sheep in the area. What unit?
Great Photos! You guys have me all horned up for lope season!
Here is a pic from last fall. It was COLD! My 7 year-old son loved it! We leave in 8 hours to do it all again, but in more tropical weather this year. This buck is bigger than he looks, but still not a monster. He is just under...
Tom, Kruger Human was my father-in-laws PH as well! He got a HUGE Gemsbok with his bow, and they had a grand time!
My FIL really likde his little dog and that Kruger culled with a 22 hornet.
RE:My other concern is where the string loops around the tips of the bow. The serving is coming loose a bit and the string is contacting the actual wood of the bow.
You should look at getting a flemmish twist string (endless loop string/flemmish splice), as there is no serving at the loops...
Way cool. that is a great photo. Al is a pretty amazing hunter and guide, and he obviously runs in some good circles. The two of you hunting together ought to make those mule deer extremely nervous!
Great pics and a great day that you will remember forever. Way to go.
I wish I could have seen some of the other folk's faces.... people take themselves too seriously, but not you guys.
Sad to hear of your loss. I have really enjoyed you sharing him with us in pictures over the last year or two that I have been paying atention. He was obviously well cared-for and a great hunting partner.
Your care and companionship was a gift to him. His gift to you will be those great...
I love my 2.5-8 Leupold VX-III and VX-3's. The 3.5-10 is also a great scope. Both are in that price range, particularly if you watch the used market. Used Leupys are a great deal, if they are priced right, as they stand behind their products.
The B&C Reticle is good for non-turret turners...
I've got some serious luck going today! I checked this morning, and I drew a Sheep tag! First ever draw for one of the big 3 in 25 years!
To say I am excited would be an understatement! I guess I am "that guy" this year! Heck I am even jealous of myself!
I'm a Civil Engineer that works primarily designing highways, roads, performing traffic engineering studies, and in the field of right-of-way acquisition/negotiation for roads and utilities.
Interesting work most of the time, can get pretty tedious the rest of the time. Pays for good hunting...
Very cool to hear of a classic, hard and rewarding hunt, done the right way.
Anyone up for the punishment can reap the rewards, and these guys can deliver!