Hard pass, not for 20%. Have you done some research with some local companies in that area and found out what you could make if you put yourself back out there on the open market. Seems like a great deal for your company.
I feel bad for her, not a good choice on her end, but no one deserves that.
I hike alone in Grizzly country often now. My dad calls me a dipshit regularly, and it makes him mad. I carry a gun and spray, and I have found a dog to be an invaluable resource often not talked about. They hear...
It's been an awesome summer so far here in NW Wy. My two boys and mom came to see me over the week of the 4th, and for some reason that I cannot understand, this young, beautiful woman wants to keep hanging out with me. Life is good.
I hunted that unit for Deer in 2012. Saw a ton of awesome bulls. Should be a fun hunt. Congrats Greenhorn. Looking forward to the story.
My Tacoma rocked an " I heart Beaver" sticker for quite a few years..lol :LOL:
I'm in Cody, and I have seen tracks SW of town on the BLM, and heard stories about them being at the dump, Heart Mtn, and even pheasant hunters jumping them in the fields near town. So like I said, I just naturally assumed they were already there.
Maybe I am a dumbass (highly probable), but I don't understand why this is a big deal? There is piles of them near Cody and Red Lodge, I would have naturally assumed they are there? Same with Heart Mtn North of Cody.
If you guys break up, can I have her number? I am 39 and dating a 26 year old. She can't cook and is broke, so I'd be very interested in trying an age gap the other way.