Man I wish they redid the divisions. I just really want the Jays out of the AL East and to be dropped into the AL Central, I want the Jays/Tigers rivalry back
Hey, now!!! You can't leave out the Supreme Court Justices now, were about inclusion nowadays lol. They like their fancy trips and millions of dollars sent to the bank accounts.
When I worked at the Fairmont Lake Louise my buddies and I would go for the weekend. It also falls on my birthday so thats a bonus. We as Fairmont employees could stay at the Fairmont Palliser for like $35 a night. We could also stumble onto the coach bus and pass out while on the way back to...
I though that too. When these photos came out thought of the Russians abandoning the cites around this plant I got suspicious about the actual intentions.
Well the terms of the withdrawal agreement were negotiated in 2020 by the Orangutan administration. The Taliban set the terms because they won. If Putin is a snake, what's Dick Cheney then?
Some places are and they'll be done professionally. Even though theirs been a fire ban in most areas the police have been flying around at night marking homes that are having bonfires still. I heard some people up north stating the fines start at 15k and doubles every time someone has to go out...
Ya...... In Ontario here the Provincial Government slashed the forest firefighting budget by 67%. Alberta also has slashed it's budget. Funny that this falls under Provincial jurisdiction but they blame the Fed's for it.:rolleyes:
Man, this weekend opened up a whole can of worms. It comes out that the Wanger Group is a actual government entity which now opens more international legal issues. The Ukrainians not able to capitalize of their window of opportunity given to them because they're bogged down in Russian...
The Hanes fans are insane. I pointed out numerous times him and his work out buddy. Were sloppy on their lifts and promoted bad form that will seriously hurt someone if they followed their form. I received so many death threats, it was kinda funny
Ughh I might try to watch it, I don't have anything else to do today.
Edit: Got 3 minutes in. Videography A+ but other then that. I'd rather punch myself in the d**k repeatedly then watch the rest