Thank you @bigfin. I’ll reach out. I would like the opportunity to come on the podcast and talk about our efforts to make hunting in New Mexico more public and less private and why we think it is important for New Mexico and beyond.
I appreciate the kind words. But really if you are a New Mexican hunter and care just a little bit about the future of public hunting it’s not that big of a stretch if you are not in a coma to advocate for less privatization here.
Honestly, I don’t think the meateater crew is very interested...
I was disappointed that Cal simply picked up on NMDGFs talking point on Colorado with out challenging the assumption. In Colorado every Coloradan can hunt elk, maybe several elk, over the counter every year if they do not draw. New Mexico is a draw or starve state. The only over the counter...
You should keep in mind that it is the same thing that we in New Mexico are fighting so hard about, privatization, that created the crappy 6% unguided nonresident quota. We are on unguided nonresidents side on this. Privatization hurts you (unguided nonresidents) even worse than it hurts us...
It really is that simple. Every other western state except New Mexico has managed to solve financial and management issues without wholesale privatization that sees wealthy hunters being able to jump ahead of everyone else to be able to hunt. That’s all privatization is in New Mexico. It is a...
You should keep in mind that it is the same thing that we in New Mexico are fighting so hard about, privatization, that created the crappy 6% unguided nonresident quota. We are on unguided nonresidents side on this. Privatization hurts you (unguided nonresidents) even worse than it hurts his...
I wouldn’t really say direct pushback that I have been aware of. But I’m sure they, as everyone else that benefits financially from New Mexico’s privatization of the public’s wildlife are working the levers in the background. And unfortunately because the magnitude of privatization is so great...
Yea, as those meateater boys have become more wealthy and able to buy private hunting they sure have a lowered willingness to stick up for public hunting.
The intended outcome is to make elk hunting in New Mexico equal opportunity for people of all income levels instead of the domain of wealthy hunters that can afford to buy their way around the draw through private landowner tags and to better draw odds through the outfitter set aside. What it...
If it was about landowner tags and New Mexico there is a good chance you got it right that it was me. I hate landowner permits. At least on a wholesale basis and transferable like we have in New Mexico. Please see the report at that I helped the New Mexico Wildlife Federation...
New Mexico has the highest nonresident share of bighorn tags of any western state. What is so wrong about New Mexicans for thinking this is wrong. WSF and the NM Council of Outfitters and Guides have been flat out lying that New Mexicans have any desire or intention to eliminate nonresident...
The final version of the Bighorn Rule was passed on August 19. This is done within the game commission meetings but in a way it is separate than the actual meeting as it is done as a “rule making hearing”. You can find the transcript of the hearing on the Department’s webpage under the...
New Mexico sticks it to both resident and nonresident DIY draw hunters. The system is built to and does disenfranchise all of us DIY hunters that have to draw wo paying a private individual to hunt.
On rounding, over 90% of the times tags were rounded the rounded up tag went to a nonresident and the majority of the time extra unpublished tag that game and fish created out of thin air pushed residents below the statutory minimum of 84%. I was who identified this and pushed to eliminate...
That’s kind of a disingenuous read - that New Mexicans can just buy all the private tags. That is a ridiculous assertion on its face. First, why should we be forced to buy that which we already own, our wildlife. Second, the economic reality. The hunters among the 2 million population that is...
Lol. Yes. They have been saying up is down and down is up in feeble attempts to justify the graft that rewards them so handsomely. Why not. It’s human nature to defend something that rewards you, whether it is justifiable or not.
The sticking it to nonresidents and residents of average means alike occurs because of privatization. EPLUS and the outfitter set aside. For instance the 6% unguided nonresident draw quota is really only 3.6% of total elk tags because of the outfitter set aside and EPLUS. 62.5% (10/16) of elk...
There is no bottom size threashold for a property to receive a landowner elk permit. Scrolling through the EPLUS landowner list (available on NMDGF’s website) I counted 80 “ranches” of 10 acres or less that received EPLUS private landowner permits. The smallest is 3 acres. I’ve seen EPLUS...