Whatever dude, the only point you have proven is that you refuse to listen to factual information. It's either Annie up or lay off wardens and biologist if those tags are cut. That's just how it is, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that. 100% agree on tags should be cut in half for NRs...
If you want less NRs that fact. For the record I haven't chased deer or elk in MT since around 2015 and don't plan on doing so anytime soon. Terrible bang for the buck especially for a deer tag.
IMO Until resident hunters let loose some of that greenback it's not gonna ever change. Your FWP is accustomed to spending those funds each year on new toys and think they need it. (Insert NR greenback) The article is misleading with the title to get folks feathers ruffled.
I would have told the dude okay, call the law I'll sit here and wait so we can educate you on what a firearm actually is today. Then I would have taken my business/money elsewhere from then on. Craps to expensive these days to put up with this type of BS.
Heck man we all know it's because the state owns the wildlife. Kinda along similar lines to this skit when you think about how foolish it is. Haha haha Same welfare going on in Alaska.
I would say those folks decided to buy point's. WY didn't force anyone to buy those point's. Customer's made a decision to purchase them. Wasted money? Who knows probably not in the long run. I dropped WY big three point's about 20 years ago personally.
my advice is hire a guide if you don't know, and if you do know probably still great advice to live by with a once in a lifetime tag. Selecting units really has no bearing on what you end up with IMO. Generally Northern to Southern population is higher in that order.