I’m just catching up on this, as I’m relatively new to HT.
Thanks for sharing. This was fascinating to read.
Please continue to post, if you feel so inclined, once you have the a prairie falcon.
I was a volunteer raptor monitor in Boulder, CO, and was assigned to a prairie falcon nest for a...
I put in for my first big game tags ever this year: pronghorn, deer and elk. All doe/cow, all in the Ranching for Wildlife program.
This is in CO.
Fingers crossed.
Thank you everyone for the warm welcome and offers of help! Much appreciated!
It’s not surprising that a community started by @Big Fin is such a friendly place.
I am new to both hunting and shooting, and in the market for a big game (elk/deer) rifle. As I am new, I am looking for a rifle I can spend some time with to improve my accuracy, and not have it totally kick my butt. (Side note: I have a .22LR that I practice with too.)
To find out what I am...
For tray style, the Yakima Holdup 2 is on the less expensive end: $400. I have it (with the +2 extension) and it's pretty solid, and easy to get on and off, and to get the extension on and off. I highly recommend it. I have an XXL MTB, and my kiddo a 24", no add-ons needed.
After researching...