Just saw the email. I wish him well. He is a good guy. I am looking forward to seeing who takes the reins. I think it will be a positive for moving the organization forward.
I moved into my house in Fall 2018. My monthly house payment has went up over $400/month since that time due to assessment increases. Im in KS though, not MT. It sucks, but I feel for people on a fixed income. those types of increases can force people to move.
I hope you draw! The odds are long, but someone has to draw. I’ve debated whether to just say the heck with it and start putting in for the cow tag instead. Still been applying for the bull tag though.
still no email for me either. The special hunt draws have been a disaster the last 2 years too. I know there was a change in staff, so I’m assuming that is part of the issue. Not that Ill ever actually draw elk, but a guy can dream.
I haven’t had any issues, but I think the tarp may just not be fully secured in that photo. I think I snapped that while setting up. We did go through a very heavy rainstorm on that hunt and everything held up great.
I bought an Elk Mountain tent a few years ago. Really only use it for 1 trip per year and it has been a great tent. it’s 13x16 and sleeps 4 with a stove.
Just to give another perspective, I’m on the board of Kansas BHA. Yes sometimes events are short notice. We know people have kid’s activities on the weekends. We as board members are in the same boat. I travel for work and have 3 kids. Planning a habitat improvement project is not as easy...
I lucked out and drew a UT elk tag a few years ago with 2 points. I’ll probably never draw anything there again, but i still apply. In for deer, gen deer, bison. I’ve probably spent money on dumber things, though I can’t think of anything at the moment.
Really wish it was still shotgun only. Wait a few years and normal rifle cartridges and crossbows will be legal in iowa. The Lobbyists are hard at work every day trying to make it happen.
Gun season in Iowa used to be a few friends and family getting together to do a few deer drives with...
Based on the original draw allocation that is correct. Based on the number of tags NRs have been getting via the fcfs system the last 2 years its a loss for NRs. Not arguing that it’s right or wrong. just noting that it is a major change.
My brother and I have both had fraud issues on our cards right before this deadline in years past. Reason #1000 why AZ’s system sucks.
I’m just waiting for the day I finally get drawn and my bank blocks the transaction. That happened to me in UT, but luckily they let you rectify the issue...
Something that works well, and is pretty easy to stick to is time restricted eating. Usually what i do is stop eating by 6 and then either skip breakfast, or just do a late morning meal in lieu of breakfast and lunch. I try to eat pretty healthy, but you can really eat within reason. i like...