1 scouting day is worth 2 hunting days…at least. I know you can feel the pressure on a short hunt, but still discipline yourself to scout as if the season isn’t open yet. I’d spend opening day and the following AM dedicated to scouting. In the chance you happen to have eyes on an animal and a...
Shear the feet off at the joints to avoid being clawed.
Separate the skin from the shell.
Split the plastron top to bottom and separate everything from the carapace.
Shear the back ribs off to fillet out the back straps
Make sure to remove the whole vent from the tail section, incl. the...
My daughter and I hooked a 12-lb male turtle while going for channel cats on Friday. No soak, butchered and cooked the next day, tasted fine, no off-flavor. Browned quarters, backstraps, tail, and neck, then instapot to tenderize.
I let it bite the end of a channel lock pliers so I could grip...
I’ve invited others to hunt with me. I’ve asked members to meet me in person to help me. I’ve offered to help others on their hunts, and plan hunts together. Nearly all of this is through PM.
I get about 15% yes responses. People say “no” for a lot of different reasons - and I really don’t care...
One does not have to work in state government very long before being asked, told, bullied, threatened or coerced to cover up for a superior’s f-ups. It is a common occurrence in high-optics and politically-charged agencies.
From my observation about 99% of these kind of incidents never get...
Last week I thawed out my last deer by putting the whole frozen quarters in a cooler. Unfortunately, I forgot about it and when I opened the lid it was about 1 day too late. The inside of the muscle groups where still cool, but blood had pooled in the bottom and had begun to sour.
I’ll eat large and smallmouth bass 12” and up. Most local places have a 15” minimum, but I have one spot for each in my county without a size limit. They’re not quite as good as panfish, but still pretty decent.
Perch are my favorite panfish, but central and southern Iowa are slim pickins. I’d...
She told me she was done hooking baby sunfish on every cast, and wanted to land a BIG fish that we could keep and eat. We went out for cut-bait today - struck out on two lakes d/t very turbid water from the recent storms. The third spot worked great, we caught dinner along w/ some cut bait for...
It is simple, and does not solve everything, but perhaps it is a start:
All nonresidents of NM must obtain a big game license through the public draw in order to hunt public land.
NR outfitter quota? Private land only.
Yeah, every year it gets pulled from the website but remains in the public google drive folder. Bob and Glenn typically save the link, but Glenn deactivated his account and I foolishly deleted his phone # from my contacts 🤬
Could someone post a link to the WG&F Google Drive folder with the tag quota proposed changes? The one with the red and blue mark-ups. Please and thank you.