I have 45 new Hornady brass for sale for $100 shipped. I will throw in 40 used Hor. brass that have been fired an unknown number of times and have bright ejector marks. I am sure most are useable, but I make no guarantee on the used brass so consider it a gift. I would trade for .257 WBY brass...
If killing coyotes made them increase in population the world would be suffocated with them. A whole lot of bullshit comes along with predator "science"
My dad used to talk about how he loved squirrel hunting when he was a kid in Illinois in the 1940s. This takes me back in time. It sure sounds fun. That is a sweet .22
I have 6 boxes of 16 gage 7 1/2 shot Federal game loads. I bought them a few years ago but sold the shotgun. I would take $50 for the lot or trade for 20 ga. shells, large rifle magnum primers, a pound of powder, silver bullets, or? I am north of Livingston and don't care to ship. I am in no hurry.
I have a 100% loss rate on archery elk. I lost the first 2 that I shot in the mid 1980s. I hung up the bow for 15 years but went out again in the early 2000s and lost another bull. Shots were 20, 35, and 45 yards estimated. Though I practice quite a bit some years I haven't taken it back out.
It depends where you are talking about. I know areas that it would easily cut the harvest in half. In some areas many deer won't even be available to kill.
Bottom line though, it doesn't need to cut the harvest in half to show population growth.
If you have a unit that has 200 bucks killed in it per year and you move the season to Oct. and hunt them before they are concentrated on winter range you might only kill 100 bucks.
In every unit that I have hunted there are predators eating deer. Many times, they are eating newborn deer. With...
The question has been asked "wont we just kill the deer in Oct. rather than Nov?
In many areas that we hunt Mule deer in MT we are hunting them on winter range. It is often the deer from hundreds of square miles concentrated in a much smaller area. I had hunted many years before I realized in...