Use decades old software running on a Wang processor if that floats MT's boat but you have to conduct some cursory crosschecks. No. Excuse. Leadership failed at a minimum. Those in the trenches may have failed as well.
How could any procedure manual not say: Once the draw results are completed...
Was in Bend last week. First visit in a decade. Wow. What a growth spurt! Has everything you want if have disposable income other than a major airport. Weed smoke is common as is young adventurers recreating all four seasons.
Been in Portland for three decades. Avoid. Some suburbs are okay to...
Embarrassing that an entire department can’t add up a few numbers post-draw to compare to unit and region and statewide quotas for R and NR. You just need a 10-key and a printout. Big Fin could likely have done the check/cross check in 15 minutes a species. Is a bit more complicated than...
Or, a tag application service made the decision. I recall when Cabela's Application Service sent the AZ Sheep apps a day not only did all those hopeful applicants not have a chance to get a tag that year, they also did not get a Sheep point that year and lost the Loyalty Point for the...
I see you are prepared to play chess while we are playing checkers as NR. Nice play, sir. AZ is a my chess move where get the R pool even if someday leave AZ after have the AZ Lifetime license. I will have AZ in pocket on 1st day is possible after move to live there full-time in a few months...
You should know all, and I am not exaggerating, all of my childhood friends did serious time in prison and now all three are quite prematurely dead. We were the Four Musketeers. The Four Amigos. Actual blood brothers.
Screw the statute of limitations, the witnesses have all perished. Mostly...
I second the anticipation motive. The, hey, I want to be Jeremiah Johnson within a few daydreams snowshoeing and skinning a grizz high up in the mountains.
Plan the work and work the plan!
I apply for things like water buffalo tags in 'Nam where the hunt zone is limited to where land mines are...
Oh, certainly. I recall mashing crustless white bread and velvet together, putting on a very small treble hook, dangling this tasty ball of goodness in the cold stream water until got firm and then gently casting out with an open face real using 4 pound test. Now, these were hatchery fish...
Re Passports, if do not have, get the process started. If the Passport is to expire in the next 18 months, may need to renew ahead of expiration so no issues as show up to the airport to fly to Italy later on in 2023. Many countries treat a Passport as invalid even when not yet expired if will...
The Roman way. If you get silenced then 1 of each of the last 10 members who liked your recent post(s) are silenced. Birds of a feather. Let God sort them out. 80% of the good threads start by 20% of the members and comments follow a similar ratio. 80% of the “Thanks Joe” non-hunting dumpster...
Boots and hooves. I hate anonymity. I also hate being doxed and having teammates sucked into a hunting/anti-hunting public burning at the stake. Jobs and wealth is at stake.
If HuntTalk was a private forum which required proof of identity and actual names as post then am on board. Until then...
There is a difference between being smart re business models vs. being passionate about an industry with connections to people that are representative of all aspects of the ecosystem that is that industry.
The person at the top of the A-B crapshow is smart and was a Navy Seal. He knows how to...
Dry Shampoo powder. Check.
Fave Appletini recipe and curated collection of paper umbrellas. Check.
Moisturizer, organic and only tested on consenting insects. Check.
Cologne, credit card size. Check.
Good Luck Studio 54 whistle, handed down by Uncle Frederick. Check.
Prosecco mini-bath bombs...
The only bad shot I admit to involved 1.5 ounces of Malibu Rum. There have been a couple of shots on the mountain though did not involve a pour of booze. Those shots were immediately obvious and involved quick follow up shots. As, did the Malibu shot. With bourbon. Gargled with it first. I...
For comparison, other odds you currently face or faced:
Drawing a Resident WY sheep tag in the random draw: 1 in 185
Death by vehicular wreck, per lifetime: 1 in 101
Being ambidextrous, 1 in 112
Falling to your death: 1 in 117
Odds of being audited by IRS, per year: 1 in 160
Drawing a Resident...
Only have a few more species and will be a Slam holder. I feel spring turkey hunting is like bull elk hunting in the fall rut while fall turkey hunting is like hunting bull elk post-rut. The main difference in turkey vs elk is I never needed to quarter a turkey to get to the trailhead.
You are familiar with the level of critical thinking that exists if you walk into a room of random people from where you live? Payday Loan operations thrive. Enough said.
I could run Monte Carlo simulations for the sheep states offering NR tag(s) which have multiple choices which are considered...
I apply for half as many tags as a decade ago. I guess I spent too much time studying Statistics in college. Cost to apply for sheep in state X (all in, mandatory this and that plus app fee plus convenience fee) is the starting point. I ignore the cost of the tag itself since is unlikely I draw...