That’s intriguing, a quick look at Amazon shows that will be pricier than a weeks rental, but then we would have it for future hunts and from what I understand once one hunts Alaska, you’ll always want to return!
Also, just reserved a bear fence from Kodiak Kamps. This will be worth its weight in sleep insurance I believe. They’ll drop it off with the transporter and pick it up after we return, easy logistics.
Just booked with a transporter for the last week of August! Going to be flying out and spending almost a week looking for blacktail, fishing, spying on foxes, and avoiding bears! Pretty stoked for this trip! I’ll update as developments occur!
3+5 I decided I just wanted to hunt moose. My cow was with a bull so I counted that as successful. Not sure I would have wanted to pack out anything much bigger either! I’ll go to Alaska someday for a bull… hopefully.
Like others have said after you’ve spent $ applying for years you could just have purchased a hunt in Alaska. That being said though have you considered a nanny hunt? I know it might be a controversial to some, but the odds are significantly better usually and they live in the same terrain. I...
We’ve shot a bunch from there and I’m always prepared to hear something from hikers, but I’ve never heard anything negative and most thinks it’s pretty cool!
My wife’s 2023 buck. We had one morning so I’m glad she made it happen! Always a fun time for memory making, and she loves making fun of all our buddies that get skunked each year.
We saved the neck as a roast, I’ll let you know how it is! One of our good friends is from Sierra Leone and she is planning peanut stew with it. I have had her stew before with chicken and it was phenomenal!
We’ve enjoyed the steaks and my wife has made a couple different curry dishes that have been good. We tried some burgers and they were a little strong tasting, I’m probably going to take some of the ground and make chorizo with it.
Well, I did give up on my thoughts of using the back half of the hide as throw pillows because it was heavy and I’m weak… but I didn’t throw any fits over it lol
Congratulations! So true about the timing of things and just happening to be at the right opening to see an animal at the opportune time! It’s amazing how things can come together sometimes!
Well I have officially punched all my tags for the 2023 season! Not that hard maybe when there are only two. With family in town I had to miss out on opening day of the moose rifle season. But I made it out Thursday at first light. Thankfully the unit I drew is only about an hour from my...