These haven't helped the last couple of years either. Pretty tough for deer to bounce back from this by fall....
Link to reports:
So for those less familiar with MN Deer/Moose/Wolf dynamics I threw this together quick.
1. I highlighted the area @Northwoods was referring to.
2. I hunt in the area near Longville in the area I labeled as expanding wolf range.
3. I highlighted the The Voyageur Wolf project area that was...
I very much appreciate @Ben Lamb’s opinion, and didn’t dispute any of his points. I just think wolves warrant consideration as an impact on MN Deer numbers, and that politics prevents acknowledgment of that at an official level in MN.
I know you aren't partisan. I just wanted to bring up the counter argument that when the the only limiting factor in a case is political, sometimes you have to fight fire with fire.
I can tell you that personally I put a lot of sweat equity into managing our relatively small piece of heaven...
Ben, In general I agree with your sentiment, and I love hearing (pretty much every day/night) and seeing the wolves around my cabin in North central MN, but I think MN requires a little closer look. I think your generalization only addresses half the story in MN where wolves have become...
I am generally not one to take a shot I have any question about, but the thread made me think of this story.
I think it was probably summer of 2006 or 2007 and one of my sergeant first classes and I were training a unit of Croatian Soldiers to get them ready to go to Afghanistan. One of the...
Fenix makes a great headlamp.
I use red when I am concerned about spooking game (walking in/out of a whitetail stand, working in or backing out from elk/mule deer/antelope stalk in low light) once I feel clear from concern about detection I switch to white. If you ask some of my friends they...