Just a real curiosity question here...are they still testing with the same test they did decades ago or has testing enhanced per say...like say steroid testing in sports
Just what I've experienced when I've been down there....you've made a donation to CPW. If you want to message me with the actual tag I'll see if I can point in a better direction
I went to Nebraska and shot the first 2 deer that gave me a chance....I will return 😁
I shot them both Wednesday. I saw around 15 deer in the morning with most on the other side of the tree line I was sitting in. This muley doe came by around 830 and passed by around 57 yards. I let her...
I can't find it anywhere but I thought she said the results were online. Big game attitude survey. 3000 R/300o NR I believe what was said
edit.... here it is...
according CPW and their survey, hunters prefer to hunt every 2-4 years not every year. I guess I didn't ask what were the available options to that question on the survey
I've never seen a spider in mine but I probably wouldn't notice either way. But if you think a camper shell like the OP seals anything out besides weather you'd be wrong
Call me what you want...but she hauls my wife's camper like it's not even there. And unless you know trucks or campers you'll never know the ridiculous amounts of $$$ Ive wasted on both...#highfaluting #noflatbrimsallowed #status
Why do you blatantly lie on the interwebs like this....it was "hunters" that said they wanted this. 1 of the top 4 responses CPW recieved on the big game attitude survey...cpw is just giving the hunters what they ask for 🙄🙄🙄
Damnit if the elk are watching the youtubes I'm really up shits creek!!! But I agree with your style. Not sure about your comment if you have to be in the woods all day...where else would we be? 😁