They are not going to cut SS. Been the same message since well, forever.
It should have ended a long time ago and allowed people to invest the SS money into a financial retirement account. If you think the government is the best way to save money well.............. here you go.
yes i know you...
Vangaurd Endeavor HD or ED. Youll be surprised. I have leupold, Vortex and these are better.
We have 46 windows in our house. Got a bunch of quotes. Nobody was even close to Window World. Not even in the ball park. They were quick, professional and the double hung windows was best decision ever. Double hung are awesome when you want to open the house up for airflow and even better when...
Its no big deal. Get frozen peas and lay down for a day. I got snipped on Friday and was back playing drums on Sunday. The key I think is the next 24 hors afterwards. Lay down do nothing and put frozen pea bag on em.
Sure, but lets say what it is. Lets not make it sound like its a great dramatic situation with a hairy beast. Yes agree, even a kitten can be dangerous but any lion close to an adult would kill a person if it wanted to before i can finish this post.