Just asking a question:
So if I ( a land owner) bought a piece of land encompassed by public lands (not in Wilderness or other protected property) and only way to get there was through that public land, get access to build a road through said public lands to my property? Anyone?
Congratulations to those who drew. I put forth my best efforts and failed. I only hold myself responsible for the hunting districts that I was able to apply for. The better hunters have won, and now I will gently fade away into the dark abyss that awaits failures like myself. Don't worry about...
At the end of the day, there will be less tags available for more hunters that apply and we bitch about how it's done.
Weird where we put forth the effort?
He ignores the fact that he can hunt with his cross gun in special hunting districts and close to 300 days a year in Montana. He just can't take it out on General Archery hunts.
Sorry to hear your so broke down. I have a buddy that broke his neck and is mostly a quad. He kills game every year...
Yea, the group that I help start endorsed this guy. He lost by a large mile. Gary Buchanan
I really don't know what to say. Montanan's voted for this clown again, so by that token conservation must not be very high up on their list of things that are important to them.
How can we change this mindset?
You know, I think that mice might pluck the bears hair out while they sleep sometimes. I've seen bears come out almost naked. Watching them, they don't seem to have some sort of skin condition where they would be rubbing all the time. Some parts of the forest are crawling with mice, so I got to...
So if you came from Florida, tried hunting Mule deer there, then moved to Montana, yes the mule deer is 500% better than it was back home. Compared to the 60's it's now Armageddon. Compared to the 70's it's then Holocaust. The 80's Ethnic cleansing. The 90' White men can't jump. The 2000's F'd...