It’s just so hard for me to tell someone that young to pass up the huge tax advantage with a Roth IRA.
I have some money in a brokerage account right now that is almost untouchable for me because the giant unrealized gains in it. Even with the capital gain tax at 20% I have to pay the extra...
The Zoleo's are a little cheaper on the front end and people really seem to like them.
I have an InReach SE that is 10 years old now and still working fine. Not looking to sell it though.
Thanks for the comments. I've only shot 2 bears in my life. One dink when I was in college walking closed logging roads up by Libby, MT and one decent one on POW a few years ago.
One thing that I was surprised at was this past fall we saw one of the smaller bears that I have been getting on...
I have gotten quite a few trail camera pictures of bears on my place in Colorado. I’m pretty sure some of them are really nice bears. I just don’t know how nice.
I get most of the pictures on the same camera that is a pretty good location for all kinds of other animals as well. I go back and...
We setup a Roth IRA for my son from his earnings last summer. I have other investments at Fidelity so it was a very easy deal to set it up for him over there and invest it in an index fund. Most likely never going to be at a lower tax bracket (zero) than now so it seems like a no brainer for...
I haven't ever looked at a 16D rifle tag. I was specifically thinking about Unit 36 when I posted that and I have seen those listed for less than $10,000. Just looked at an outfitter's website and the price difference between a Fully Guided with a landowner tag and a Fully Guided without a...
The answer is somewhere between what abqbw and Treeshark want. I think most of us can see that.
When you consider the alternative options in New Mexico specifically, Deer, Pronghorn and Elk outside of their core area are all unlimited tags available to the landowner. You read that correctly...
Nope. I wouldn’t pay $20K for a NM elk tag either. You can buy tags for the best units in the state for less than half that. You can buy fully outfitted hunts in pretty good units for less than half that. I feel confident that less than 10% of the landowner tags go for that price even...
Question. Is charging a trespass fee or leasing property for hunting considered privatization?
I just see it as a different means to the same end. Monetization of wildlife is happening in pretty much every state, New Mexico just just doing it in a more transparent manner that allows them a...
My 17 year old son does pretty good stuff at pretty good prices if you are interested in trying the budget friendly option.
If you are PM me and I can give you his contact information.
I’m out of pocket and on my phone so wasn’t able to check this.
I’m curious how many elk tags were available in the public draw in New Mexico in 2018 before E Plus took all the tags out of the draw compared to how many elk tags are available in the public draw now?
I’m guessing the same or...
It's interesting because just looking at points it didn't change that much. Last year it was 4+ points for the special general tag (29% at 4 points)and this year it was essentially 4 points to draw (91% at 4 points in the West).
Will be very interesting to see how this sorts out next year as...
2023 there were 3,181 1st choice applicants in the special draw on the random side for the general tag.
2024 there were 1,372 1st choice applicants in the special draw on the random side for all 3 general tag units combined.
That's a decrease of 1,809 applicants, over 56% reduction.
The SCR is for "Small Contributing Ranch". Those are not guaranteed tags, those are drawn through a different drawing. That would be a good place to start if you want to change the system.
Don't confuse people disagreeing that the current model needs to be completely thrown out and all those tags should just be transferred to the public draw with saying that the model is perfect and doesn't need tweaking.
There is a lot of room for improvement. There are some ways the system is...
Yes. He can apply in the NR DIY regular quota. There are several states that throw NR youth a bone in some form or another. Reduced price youth licenses that allows them to apply, specific youth tags that they can apply for, etc. There are a few states that specifically reserve their youth...