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  1. P

    Landowner preference (voucher) proposed changes

    You see why I am using up all my PP's with a good tag this year and then burning the rest next year for Deer/Elk/Antelope. Time to get rid of them, my days of stressing over the CO pref. point system by building pts will be over and I will never be going back to that. Too many good resident...
  2. P

    If you could start over...

    Agree completely.
  3. P

    If you could start over...

    Bambi, stop putting those kinds of ideas in his head. At 23 he hasn't earned the right to be happy every fall just yet. He needs to stay down here with the rest of us and watch our legislators ruin every good hunt opportunity in all the states he is applying for now. Misery loves company...
  4. P

    lets see some goats

    Oak - It is pictures like this that keep me putting in for a handful of Goat tags out West each year, to which I receive the inevitable "go pound sand" letters come summer. I keep telling myself this is the year for Colorado, and a decade later am still swearing and cussing after tag result time.
  5. P

    Model 700 7mm Help please

    Thanks for the input, I have been persuaded that DM is not necessary, especially at the cost of me getting the rifle I want.
  6. P

    Model 700 7mm Help please

    Bambi - I have never had a DM on a rifle before and don't really need it, but with the kids getting older and starting to come along on hunts, I was thinking that it would be convenient to just take the magazine out when we got back to the truck or camp, to make sure rifle was mag was completely...
  7. P

    Model 700 7mm Help please

    Ok, so I am getting a little frustrated. I am looking at buying a new rifle and am getting conflicting information from the gun shops when I call (when they actually have time to answer any of my questions that is). Then I try to do a little research via internet and can't seem to find the...
  8. P

    Binoculars vs. Spotting Scope for Mountain Hunting?

    You grinded out a Montana general season sheep hunt or two back in the day didn't you Bambi?
  9. P

    Binoculars vs. Spotting Scope for Mountain Hunting?

    I completely agree with this statement and it has taken me many years to sit down for hours and get through a long glassing period. I have bad ADHD, and I feel like I have always got to be moving. I use to glass an area 20 mins, say there is nothing there and move on. I am still impatient...
  10. P

    Mountain Lion hunt...

    Congrats on the Cat hunt. I was in Vernal and hunting Colorado side that last weekend of January when the snow came. We couldn't get on any good tracks, but still was a blast. I love that part of the country. I am building pts as well for Cougars for Utah.....amazing it takes so many for a...
  11. P

    Binoculars vs. Spotting Scope for Mountain Hunting?

    My glasses looked liked the picture above after this years 3rd season hunt here in colorado, so I went with FHF Gear on recommendation. I love it so far.
  12. P

    Binoculars vs. Spotting Scope for Mountain Hunting?

    Sounds like you have more time than money right now, which is probably the exact opposite of the majority of guys on this site, if I had to take a guess. a spotter basically saves you from making that 1 mile down the valley, up the other side hike to get a better look at any animal. But with...
  13. P

    Utah Hunting

    If you are only looking for the true trophy hunt units, than it is really not worth your time building pts, you are too far behind in the game to try to draw the top Utah units. If you are looking for a chance to hunt new terrain, get a chance to see lots of animals, and few hunters (compared...
  14. P

    Utah Hunting

    Good point, probably not an advantage, as it will definitely kill the odds. But I'm in my early 30's, I have a legitimate chance at drawing both an elk and deer limited entry tag in my lifetime by building pts for both, same goes for lets say moose and goat. If I wasn't able to build pts at...
  15. P

    CDOW - Wolves in Colorado

    That will make it easy for us Colorado residents than. No wolves in Colorado exist, so we get a chance to hunt them as if they are coyotes then :rolleyes: Its easy to say that until you are the first guy to show up in the DOW office with a wolf in the back of your truck. They need to come...
  16. P

    Utah Hunting

    Then again, I don't want to hurt my odds for the NR tags, so I will change my post to "Not worth it, don't apply for Utah" :)
  17. P

    Utah Hunting

    One advantage about applying for Utah is that from what I understand, they changed for NR that you can apply for all species and get bonus pts for all species. Residents only get to choose 1 of (deer, elk, antelope) for limited entry draw unit, as well as 1 (moose, goat or sheep). That is how...
  18. P

    Montana Deer - Most important hunt of the season

    Guys like Billy frustrate the hell out of me. Although I dont know Fin at all, I think I can say he has done more for helping protect the public land we do currently have to hunt than anything Billy has done. I don't know Billy either, but by that dumb string of comments he just wrote is...
  19. P

    Antelope...Lets See Them!!!

    That he was. My first year putting in for a tag there too. Yes, I am the guy that draws a tag at less than a 3% chance at drawing that year, on his first try. :D. Was able to make good on it. Scored just under 86", 16" tall, with 7" prongs. Likely the biggest one I will ever get to put a...
  20. P

    Antelope...Lets See Them!!!

    Here was another cool looking buck, with him flaring out like he did.