Selling my Swarovski STS 25-50x80HD Spotter with the Swaro Stay On Case and the Ollin Adapter. Scope comes with all the original boxes. I'll work on some pictures tonight.
$2300 TYD.
I unexpectedly delivered my 6 year old daughter at home as well. Now you get the fun of filing the birth certificate and everything on your own.
I mean, this is how a public agency is supposed to work. I would be far more concerned when or if the public becomes apathetic towards wildlife management.
Every bio/land manager I know personally would rather have an engaged public than one that doesn't care.
For clarity, the first bullet point was a fish and wildlife commission item opposed by FWP and the third bullet point is because of SB 281 that originated with the Elk Management Coalition in the 2023 Session.
The woke mob has set their target on spin reel fishing. Give me a 1 oz daredevle and let the magic happen.
Let em bite it or blunt force trauma to the head, I don’t care.
Project was a success, after a couple mile hike we pulled 1.5 miles of fence that’s been particularly rough on pronghorn. We found two carcasses on the fence and we were actually being wheezed at by a few pronghorn does that were hanging out close by.
For anyone interested that couldn’t make it...
You bunch of commies. The America I know and love is based on predatory price gouging and corporate stock buy backs like the founders and Jesus himself intended.
I never opposed 525. From the get go I thought it was a good intentioned bill with some flaws and my emails with legislators voiced my support for the idea.
The reaction you guys had to other groups opposing on their own merits and that most were never a part of the coalition is completely...