This post if I get it up took a considerable amount of effort since I have been limited by the moderators. I feel it is important enough to take the time. If FWP continues to allow unlimited tags you will see access continue to get shut down with landowner-hunter fatigue. I already know of two...
From what I’m hearing from my law enforcement buddy, they are expecting the gang to move east to wider spaces and less law enforcement. I will be locking the door tonight. I’m not sure it’s safe to camp anywhere.
The point is it’s time for western Montana to bear some of the burden of the 27k plus nonresident deer hunters and who knows how many residents. I don’t care if they can’t shoot a forky off the road. Give them their opportunity.
The survey says hunters want the opportunity to hunt. They can hunt in western Montana. Success might be less but they still have opportunity. It’s pretty straight forward to me. Western Montana needs to pull its weight in this game management conundrum, a good start would be regional caps for...
Region 6 and 7 can’t handle the pressure of all the nonresidents and western Montana. It’s time for the rest of the state to carry its weight. Pick your region and nonresident caps are a necessity to a change of this magnitude. All the current proposal will do is increase the time western...
Conservation easements do not ensure access. Ben might disagree but they don’t. The public should give tools to landowners to manage elk which they already have. At this point it is a neighbor issue the same as who is fixing fence. The public would be better off using Ben’s funding to secure...
Dig into some of the 454 agreements and you will see the public is getting hosed for access to a few cows. The landowners are getting bull tags and cutting right to the front of the line.
It would be a big mistake for the public to start “compensating” landowners that have elk on their property. The public should be more focused on securing long term access of public through easements and correctly managing the lands that we have available. The landowners have the elk problem the...
I would be more than happy to see all the nonresident funding go away on the big game side of things. I could sit in my chair as I’m doing now watching the Grizzlies play football and say “everything looks fine we can continue doing what we are doing” I have not seen a benefit to increased...