I have one of each color now, it was easier for me to be picky and wait for a blonde as I was taking my girls hunting instead. I have always told them if/when I see a blonde then I will be going for that. Last year I finally found one.
Spring bear is my favorite hunt of the year and I really...
Talked with d&c, they don't deal with meat they said, just horns and capes, grocery store cuts meat bu won't put a cape in the Freezer. The transporter don't/won't touch it once he gets back, wants you to fly out and deal with the meat then he'll fly you back in. I see a business opertunity.
This is ridiculous for so many reasons. Totally against this but it doesnt help when the current fed administration shuts down all new natural resource production on federal lands in a state like WY.
Not exactly, in theory all the landowners owning 640 contiguous acres could apply for up too 10 tags, correct. But those tags can ONLY be used on that guys land.
Sure there might be 1000 landowners but 750 of them may have never had an elk on their property. I don't think they'd sell any tags...
This is the way I read it also. Point 3 seems to be any general tag license holder, resident or non. This part of the bill seems to have zero to do with landowner tags, just that the cow must be shot on private land. Seems awful hard to enforce. And a sure way to get a hundred bonus points for...
A couple thoughts I have are I don't like landowner tags.
Another is, if this passes. I bet every landowner in the state will push to get the objectives raised and the emp updated Pronto, I could also see the emp become a moving target, adjusting yearly to appease the landowners....
...I dunno...
So I just reread this bill. The key points as I see them are as follows.
1. Landowners can NOT receive any tags if the elk objective is not AT objective.
2. A general license holder can forgo applying for a LQ permit and instead choose to shoot a cow on private land and receive 6 bonus points...
The only con to spring bear hunting is the ticks! I love spring bear more than any other hunts. There's just something about being In the mountains this time of year. I dont really even care if I shoot one or not, I love to watch them. In MT and Wy start looking on the bare slopes 1000 ft below...
Call the capitol switchboard before 3pm today, ask them to pass on your request for the fish wildlife and Parks committee to vote no on hb417. The number is 406-444-4800.
I received a email reply back from a member of the committee that says he agrees but fully anticipates this being blown...
The EMP needs revised, working off numbers from so long ago is ridiculous. This bill is ridiculous. Transferable landowner tags(unless were antlerless only) is not going to reduce population, is not going to make public elk more publicly accessible and will likely make it less, also will just...