Not a lot of options. Also depends where you’re going to be. You might be down by Orofino or up by Deary or Potlatch. Orofino has more places to eat but I can’t think of anything recommendable.
Sounds like the eldx is the one. Not necessarily my first choice bullet but it would definitely make the cut for a deer bullet with the parameters you’re describing. Sounds like you’ve got an accurate setup. My two cents is just run with it. I’m a hypocrite though, I’d probably load a handful of...
What the hell are you talking about? Either you hunt with some complete wing nuts or you’re just throwing stones because you can’t admit archery has a problem with the wounding and lost animals. Does it happen with rifles? Unfortunately yes, and there will never ever be a method that can prevent...
I thought you said this was the year you were gonna kill an elk? Good luck getting close to one while you’re spewing out mountain house fumes.
I canned a bunch of mine when I started running out of freezer space. Best thing I ever did too. Even if I had freezer space I’d can a bunch again.
You know, I’d be willing to help you out though and store some of that moose in my freezer. I’ll even run down and pick it up from you. 😂