I kept my rifled barrels and still have 6 boxes of Remington copper solids and no none are for sale. Now I can use rifles so I do but who knows someday I may want to go to Illinois or Iowa.
My first shotgun for deer was an Ithica 20 gauge. For pumpkin ball slugs the Ithica’s were the best made. I still have that shotgun although since they allow rifles in my area it is now relegated to small game hunti. It would hold a 4” group at 75 yards which was plenty foot for deer. When...
I had double knee replacements this summer. My goal is to get back to stillhunting again now that every step isn’t agony. Just got my license and tags last night. Now need to get some range time in with hunting position shooting practice.
Oh yeah and a 243 is definitely underpinned. Big game rifles start at 25 caliber and go up. And no a 300 blackout is not a big game round anymore than an M1 carbine.
And some don’t know how to properly mount and hold a rifle.. I grew up hunting deer with shotguns, so had to learn proper gun handling to mitigate recoil. After a 12 gauge a 30-06 is a pussycat.