There’s a big difference between pork butts and cigarette butts. Both are smoked butts, but i think everybody is gonna be discerning over which one they’d rather have. Not all butts are equal.
Periodical cicadas in southern Illinois. Phenomenal fly fishing for warmwater species. Multiple doubles, 100+ fish days. Hope to go chase trout in a couple weeks. Been waiting 13 years for this to come back around, and it has not disappointed.
What scares me is that each general tag had 2-5x as many unsuccessful NR applicants as there were total tag quota. And that doesn’t even count how many sat out and just bought points. Which means point creep is going to get worse. It’s less creep and more full-on failure at this rate.
A lot of Life comes back, but it can take a million years. And it typically looks very different from what was there before. Last time I checked- I don’t have a million years.
I’m still a stubborn Midwest German at heart- aka “cheap )#$(*))@”.
I also might have put a deposit down on a ring. This is my treat to me with the extra money sitting in the account after it’s all said and done.
I’d say that if you let more mule deer doe survive on public, then the bucks wouldn’t have to travel as far between dense herds on private and thereby limit the spread that way.
I inherited a model 11 16ga with poly choke- just not the biggest fan of squarebacks. Dad also has a “quail-safety” Belgian A5 12ga. Still remember chasing squirrels with that 16.
They are pretty, but not my favorite to shoot. That’s reserved for a thin-combed, half-ton Remington 1100. Hate...
I understand the appeal, but the lead rooster (apparently can’t say @#)(#) bobwhite likes to get up late. And it’s more useful for other ventures, especially waterfowl. Plus I really, REALLY hate it when I work all day to jump huns/sharpies without a dog, and then can’t have that third shot.
It appears I’m in the market for what I would call a quail gun, that would bring a touch of class to my outdoor activities (and some fundraiser shoots). Looking for a 20ga with a 26” barrel, wood furniture, fairly light, hopefully a semi-auto. Had my heart set on a beretta a400 upland, but I’ve...