If you still owe him money, you could just stop by to make a payment. I'm sure he wouldn't mind you stopping by if your leaving some cash. Plus as with most things in life money talks, and I wouldn't be surprised if your name goes to the top of the list if your all paid up.
So I called down there and the gal said something about a sheep and congrats to me! I am refusing to say the words out loud until I get something in writing! I can't believe it!
Sorry guys I haven't been very good about posting on here this spring. But I have an excuse, I have been hitting the hills pretty regularly looking for a good bear to shoot! I hunted pretty hard and saw close to 20 bears over the 4 trips I made up there. I just couldn't find one that was big...
I'll be one that is "tightening my belt" more than most. This precious sequestration could be costing me 22 unpaid days off this year. If I thought it was going to do any good I wouldn't mind so much about doing my part, but I just don't know.:confused:
I think its time for someone to post up that picture of the giant cow things head on the barrel. I know a few of you guys know the one im talking about. Its truly unfortunate but everytime I think of hunting in texas I think of that picture.
What an incredible hunt. I gotta say I expected nothing less. I've been looking forward to seeing the results of your hunt for a while, and you didn't disapoint. Well done Buzz!!
Straight Muley, It was pretty wet and muddy out and he did the 100yrd lip skid down the hill, he might have been a little dark but mostly I think it is mud.