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  1. R

    Need some truck advice - F-150 down...

    Even after your Ford is dead after only 89K miles? I have a Toyota that has 175K and going strong. It is twice as old as yours and trade in is not much different than your newer Ford. Things to consider.
  2. R

    Land purchase ????

    You are at the mercy of the seller and what they want to do. Lesson learned, when you are that close you might as well step on over rather than try to squeeze another penny.
  3. R

    Brake Installation

    A 12 year old needs a rifle that fits their stature and ability. They want to be like dad until they get stomped by recoil.
  4. R

    Anyone running down pants or insulated pants?

    I don't have a problem running down my pants, they hang in the closet until I need them.
  5. R

    New Truck Time - Testing and Sorting

    I do not consider myself that old and remember when $50K got you close to some of the exotic italian car price ranges. Crazy a pickup is now to that level. I did not put that much down on my first house. Good luck in your search. I recommend a tow behind for your camera guys and gear if they...
  6. R

    A box of parts/wires/circuit boards

    Can you use a 3d printer to make a 3d printer?
  7. R

    First Lite New Gear

    Did you really use the word "kit" to refer to your hunting clothes?
  8. R

    Any full time investors?

    What is to debate? After hours is a thinly traded market. Significant volume in after hours usually follows some significant news that triggers trading buy or sell side focused on a few equities. Normal trading hours has the most volume and therefore less volatility across the entire market.
  9. R

    I Need Some Honest Opinions

    Hunt what you can on an annual basis. You don't have the years to give to wait. Nothing wrong with shooting what you can handle. You have gone the trophy route. Not it is time to merge to just enjoying the hunt.
  10. R

    Newbie Trip Report: Nothing but sore and lessons learned

    You can always get familiar with altitude and gear just camping. Go enjoy the outdoors tag or not. You can learn a lot by just being out.
  11. R

    Escape and Evasion

    I do not even tell my wife where I see game, and she does not even hunt.
  12. R

    2 days enough ?

    Tough with getting meat out
  13. R

    Where should I hunt??

    Utah or Colorado
  14. R

    Never had a Leupold

    What is your application. I think a 50mm objective is too big for most applications.
  15. R

    Non Lead Rifle Ammo Experience Question- fragments in meat?

    Never with Barnes. They will let you know the meat that is not edible.
  16. R

    Practice Regimen

    Practice is not just shooting arrows. You need a purpose for each practice. Starting out I would focus on anchor point and follow through. You need a shot routine. Where the arrow goes is not important at first. My best practice is standing feet from the target and focusing on fundamentals...
  17. R

    All around new hunter from Montana

    Best intro I have read. Good luck to both of you.
  18. R

    Lady friendly elk calibers and model?

    If an arrow can kill an elk the 25-06 can.
  19. R

    A Llittle Llama Decoy Action

    Uhhhhh, I almost cried as I sit in my office with desire to be there. Living the good life.
  20. R

    Super Glue in Inserts?

    two part epoxy
PEAX Trekking Poles

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