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  1. R

    Anybody Buying Yet? Where’s the Bottom?

    I knew you were limited on time so I summarized it for you. You're welcome.
  2. R

    Anybody Buying Yet? Where’s the Bottom?

    I see a lot of talk where people are buying/selling what is in the news. Need to think about the overall market and where the opportunity is outside of the headlines.
  3. R

    Anybody Buying Yet? Where’s the Bottom?

    That is a stock that did nothing but go down for 5 years until mid 2020. Speculation on how well they were suited to take advantage of Biden electrification created the recent movement that proved too soon to tell.
  4. R

    Anybody Buying Yet? Where’s the Bottom?

    I suspect you are like most that buy something after it has gone up +20% thinking it will go another +20%. If you buy after the run up you are usually too late. As they say you have to be forward looking and different.
  5. R

    Getting the most out of Public Land.

    Remember the woods can be used outside of hunting season. Get out there and learn the land.
  6. R

    Anybody Buying Yet? Where’s the Bottom?

    Buy monthly up until Apr 15
  7. R

    My Remington model 700 7mm-08 build

    You know a sharpie can keep track of kills and not harm the stock.
  8. R

    New Tire Opinions

    General Grabber ATX
  9. R

    Finally got an Elk (Cow)

    I would remove the maps. Otherwise you can follow the line of people next time you go in there.
  10. R

    Heads up for Remington owners...

    Good 'ol China made steel.
  11. R

    Hello all

    What does a lawyer get when he takes Viagra? Taller
  12. R

    Rinella article.. CUT AND PASTED

    hunting with righteous, ethical passion -pure adventure of hunting - Question- does pure and righteous still exist when there is a monetary outcome.
  13. R

    As they lay

    Can you share anything about the rifle?
  14. R

    Wife's first elk experience

    Hank Williams Jr. twin hunts elk?
  15. R

    College costs

    Don’t forget housing cost.
  16. R

    2022 Toyota Tundra

    Do they charge extra for computer chips to be included?
  17. R

    Too much success, too early?

    I will say my experience was different. I was not coddled but I was treated to having a good spot on the dove field or on the covey rise. I have a passion for the outdoors and fond memories growing up. Somehow I caught the bigger fish and shot respectable deer. But that was because I was up...
  18. R

    Hunting in Maine - What’s the scoop?

    You can always travel to hunt the west. Hobby to me is secondary to family needs.
  19. R

    first elk hunt

    I think a lot of focus gets put on yardage during practice. I elevated my shooting by focusing on mechanics vs. yardage. Shooting blind bales, focus on follow through, mechanics of release. Drawing and focusing on just aiming, no shot, just hold and aim. This opened up my yardage...
  20. R

    CO Unit 62

    Better to take than to give is the new motto.
Yeti GOBOX Collection

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