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  1. ridn9high

    CO leftover list is available

    They don’t go on sale until 11am! Why would they move them over anytime before that?
  2. ridn9high

    Best 308 height @ 100

    There isn’t a best! Too many variables. The best sight in for your gun is what you find at the range. Do yourself a favor and the animal and practice the distance you plan on shooting. Some barrels are slow and some are fast. One 150 grain might shoot around 2750fps while another brand will...
  3. ridn9high

    CO leftover list is available

    The first couple years all reissues went on sale at 9am Tuesday mornings. People complained that the system wasn’t fair and needed changed. CPW then changed to random during the week. Then people complained that the random wasn’t fair and needed changed. CPW changed it back to one day a week and...
  4. ridn9high

    CO leftover list is available

    There was one good deer tag that I wanted to snag for my FIL. Looks like the fingers were fast enough to put a tag in his pocket.
  5. ridn9high

    CO leftover list is available

    It’s available because CPW is too lenient on returning tags and someone decided they should turn it in because their allergies are flared up. Good news is, You will see more throughout the year for your unit if you don’t succeed Wednesday afternoon when they become available.
  6. ridn9high

    CO leftover list is available

    Don’t put anything hunting on a ballot in colofornia. They will give all the returned tags to the wolfs
  7. ridn9high

    CO leftover list is available

    They should do as Wyoming does and not let hunters turn their tags in, except for a emergency situation. Guys are turning Colorado tags in because the weather isnt lining up, they stubbed their toe, made a scouting trip(which should have been done prior to drawing) and didn’t see what they wanted.
  8. ridn9high

    CO leftover list is available

    The odds are very slim regardless of tag numbers. Especially with what’s available on the list right now. The more points a tag is worth, the harder it is to get.
  9. ridn9high

    CO leftover list is available

    Don’t see the tags I want on the list. Good thing is, I’ll play the reissue game, just like I have since it started, get my tag and save my points! Do I agree hunting each year and no points used? Nope! But gonna play the game that is dealt. I think we will see changes soon and eventually...
  10. ridn9high

    Stoked for this Season, tips?

    For a doe, I’d probably road hunt so I didn’t have to pack it far! We’ve seen so many within 100 yards of the road in every unit we’ve been in. If you had a buck muzzy tag, I’d hunt it totally different.
  11. ridn9high

    Wyoming Supertag

    Shows there were 124,600 tickets sold
  12. ridn9high

    Colorado Unit 18 Conditions following fire in 2020

    It’s not accurate! They want to break it down by unit, then like mentioned above, mandatory survey for everyone holding a tag. The data will be a lot better. Will it be perfect? Nope! Guys will lie about killing or not killing, but it will be a lot closer than now. A certain unit shows around...
  13. ridn9high

    Colorado Unit 18 Conditions following fire in 2020

    How is CPW coming up with these stats? We all know they’re not accurate! For example, last year friends and family had elk and deer tags for multiple seasons and a handful of units. Not one of us was sent an email or got a phone call from the CPW to fill out a survey on whether we were...
  14. ridn9high

    Colorado Elk archery

    Well if you’re looking to get away from people and get miles off the road, units 21 and 22 probably won’t fit your goals. Good thing about those two units, if you get lost, just keep walking and you’ll find a road pretty quick.
  15. ridn9high

    4th Season Mule Deer CO

    The unit will have 3rd season buck tags! I’m gonna take a guess and say it has a couple hundred buck tags for 3rd season by going off your descriptions so far of the unit.
  16. ridn9high

    Would you rather.....

    If there is a lot of open country, give me that 1 buck in that 5760 acre area. If it’s super thick, I’m probably never going to see him because I’m in a different area with open country
  17. ridn9high

    Colorado deer 52

    I’ll send you a unit for next year! Maybe with your bluff effect, I can draw the tag 😂
  18. ridn9high

    Colorado deer 52

    Looks like 36 guys drew 2nd with 0 points
  19. ridn9high

    Colorado 4th rifle mule deer unit 22.

    send me a PM if you like! You got a lot of points tied up and I can let you know what I learned during the hunt!

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